Translation: More Gems From Suzanne Venker

More gems from the same source as the previous post:

To say gender relations have changed dramatically is an understatement. Ever since the sexual revolution, there has been a profound overhaul in the way men and women interact. Men haven’t changed much – they had no revolution that demanded it – but women have changed dramatically.

In a nutshell, women are angry. They’re also defensive, though often unknowingly. That’s because they’ve been raised to think of men as the enemy. Armed with this new attitude, women pushed men off their pedestal (women had their own pedestal, but feminists convinced them otherwise) and climbed up to take what they were taught to believe was rightfully theirs.

Translation: “As all patriarchally-minded women, I despise men. This happens because I’ve been raised to think of men as the enemy I need to entrap into marriage and make serve my needs perennially. I refuse to acknowledge that traditional gender roles hurt men as much as they do women and that men are as joyful as women are to gain more freedom in expressing their different masculinities in different ways.

Men have changed dramatically, and this makes me very angry and also defensive, though often unknowingly. It is not as easy to attach myself to a man and get him to treat me like an infantilized irresponsible little creature. Men don’t want to stand on a pedestal because it’s lonely and cold up there. They want to be treated like human beings and that bugs me beyond belief. I see all those successful, happy women who don’t make a living off possessing vaginas and that annoys me more than words can say.

In a nutshell, I despise men and hate women, especially when they live their lives as pleases them and not in a way that allows me to preserve the insane mythology I have been raised to believe.”

4 thoughts on “Translation: More Gems From Suzanne Venker

  1. I think this is a good and accurate translation. Hatred between men and women is born out of traditional gender relations, where both men and women would trap each other in some way, in order to co-opt them into the family system. Men would be deceived through the promise of sex, to become providers, no matter how they were feeling. Women would be compelled to play their role as housewives and mothers, through economic default. There were few ways for women to make a living on their own, in the past.

    Now, everything is changing and this is obvious from each new generation. The up and coming one has very little sexism in it, even compared to my generation. There is much less reason for anyone to be angry than before.


    1. “Hatred between men and women is born out of traditional gender relations, where both men and women would trap each other in some way, in order to co-opt them into the family system. Men would be deceived through the promise of sex, to become providers, no matter how they were feeling. Women would be compelled to play their role as housewives and mothers, through economic default.”

      – Exactly!!!


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