17 thoughts on “Barbarians

  1. If someone doesn’t like what someone is wearing, they can turn away or close their eyes.

    “[A] fun response would be to photoshop them into pornographic poses and broadcast the images all over the world.”

    Something like this has already been done. The US once tried to drive Sukarno from power by making a fake pornographic film of him using a body double and a fake Russian mistress (that link is just text).

    The CIA”s ploy didn’t work.


      1. “..his ugly as sin wife..”

        Christ, Ahmadinejad is fair game but what did his wife/family ever do to you? Reminds me of when republicans used to call Chelsea Clinton ugly. I think McCain called her a dog. Totally unnecessary.


  2. Ahmadinejad is an handsome dude (not as much as Obama, though), but his wife is horrible. (even though I think it would be better without her woman-hating Halloween costume).

    Maybe we could see Michelle Bachmann and/or Ann Coulter sucking Ahmadinejad’s dick. I think those women-hating assdicks could form a well-suited threesome.


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