Clarissa’s Organic Ratatouille

The ingredients in this ratatouille are without an exception fresh and organic (including the herbs). Here they are:


Young carrots, tomatoes, rutabaga, a couple of young potatoes, a pattypan squash, English peas, a baby turnip, butternut squash, a head of Boston lettuce, a kohlrabi, basil, chervil, oregano, savory, cilantro, garlic.

Dice the vegetables and add them to a pan with some olive oil beginning with the least soft vegetable. Add some water to cover the bottom of the pan. Gradually add the shredded herbs. Salt to taste. Everything should be sautéed very slowly for about 90 minutes.


It tastes phenomenal. And if somebody tells me this is unhealthy, I give up because I can’t do anything healthier.

15 thoughts on “Clarissa’s Organic Ratatouille

    1. Only in deep-frying that the temperatures would reach high enough for this to be an issue. For simple sauteing, olive oil is perfectly fine.

      No eggplants in a ratatouille, Clarissa? Looks nice, though.


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