Class Consciousness 

For a man who sometimes has trouble concentrating on policy memos, Mr. Trump was delighted to page through a book that offered him 17 window covering options.

Golf clubs, prawns at Jean Georges, and window covering options, whatever those are – this is what the ultra-rich are all about. Their only goal is to strip you bare so that they can increase the number of their window covering options from 17 to 47. And you can either say “yes, sir!” and drop trou, or finally wonder why their window coverings should be paid for by you. 

5 thoughts on “Class Consciousness 

    1. There was this one NYT nauseating article about how it’s super difficult to find therapy for ultra wealthy tenth of a percenters a few years back. Apparently having gobs of money really interferes with therapy.


      1. It does, actually. If it doesn’t cost an amount that hurts, it doesn’t work. People are simply not motivated to do any serious work and the therapy drags out for years.


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