The Silence Is Deafening 

This week, the White House decided to make those emails from concerned citizens public through the commission’s new website. But the administration made a big mistake: It didn’t censor any of the personal information — such as names, email addresses, actual addresses, and phone numbers — included in those emails.

I want everybody to keep very quiet right now so that we can hear the uproarious outrage coming from our libertarian, anti-big government, Ayn Randian freedom-lovers. 

I’m sure they are about to have something to say regarding this totalitarian gesture. They’ve got to have at least some mousy little protest ready, right? 

4 thoughts on “The Silence Is Deafening 

  1. It didn’t censor any of the personal information — such as names, email addresses, actual addresses, and phone numbers — included in those emails.

    Wait, what’s Doxing again?


    1. That’s exactly what they are doing. The Politburo would totally approve. Now all that’s missing is the public shaming of the people who voted for the wrong person.


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