
Why is Biden going on “The American Promise Tour”? He had ample time to fulfill all his promises. It’s way way way too late for him to promise anything else. 

I swear to God, if the Democrats run another 70+ year old against the serving 70+ year old. . . I don’t even know how to end this sentence.

20 thoughts on “Paranoid

      1. Biden isn’t going to run. Your expertise of American politics reminds me of your expertise on pharmacological matters.


          1. When Biden starts hanging out in New Hampshire, then talk of a Presidential bid will be rooted in reality.


            1. I love Biden, by the way. I was more excited about him than Obama back in 2008. But I’m terrified we will lose again. The stakes are incredibly high right now. I want to see fresh new faces.


              1. The 2018 elections will set the tone of the candidates running in 2020.

                Not to recognize this fact, as well as the centrality of NH to the beginning of the 2020 season, is peculiar, IMHO.


  1. “if the Democrats run another 70+ year old against the serving 70+ year old”

    Baby boomers, they never willingly take their paws off of anything they get a hold of.


    1. cliff, why are you sure baby boomers are to blame?

      It’s not like people were ever eager to let go of power and relevance, especially if we’re talking about politicians.

      My first thought was whether all potential young politicians were too busy tweeting slogans like “white men, white women, brown bodies” instead of trying to rise in the traditional political system.


      1. “why are you sure baby boomers are to blame?”

        cause blaming the boomers for everything wrong with the world is one of the national sports in the US

        technically I’m probably a boomer (though some carve off late boomers and early x-ers into a separate mini-generation).

        boomers are different though, as the economist mak blyth puts it (paraphrasing) they’re the only generation in human history to constantly increase consumption throughout their life cycle (others just call them the greediest generation in human history – benefitting enormously from the public treasury and then privatising it so their children and grandchildren live in debt.


        1. I thought the national sport was blaming Millennials for killing off Applebees, fabric softener, and home equity, by tweeting about avocado toast and snapchatting selfies.
          It’s all marketing designations anyways. Clarissa’s point still stands. Our government is dominated by elderly rich assholes who will not live to see or deal with the havoc they wreak on a younger more diverse population. If you’re wealthy, done having children and are going to pop off the earth soon, what the hell do you care about nuclear war, social security, environmental disasters or a host of other things? Who gives a fuck about pre-K funding when you’re looking at the latest Depends? If you’re cranky and old, subsidizing the next generation looks like subsidizing other people’s fucking. And judging by 90% of the culture war shit, are they ever mad about other people fucking!


          1. “If you’re cranky and old, subsidizing the next generation looks like subsidizing other people’s fucking.”

            • This is hilarious. And so true.

            I need to try that notorious avocado toast already.


      2. The POTUS tweeted his way into the Oval Office and has done nothing in the “traditional political system” before winning, not even running for dogcatcher, so why make a crack about twitter activists and their dumb slogans? Do you think anything this man says or does can’t be fit onto a bumper sticker or shoehorned into a tweet?


        1. \ why make a crack about twitter activists and their dumb slogans?

          Because the activists I thought of were of the sort highly unlikely to become mainstream in the closest decades. Their slogans are not effective and push most Americans away, while Trump knew what to say.

          Progressives like to laugh at Trump and talk of his alleged stupidity. I think if many Left-wing activists were half as smart as Trump in adopting their message / tweets to the ‘man on the street’, progressives would have a much better chance of winning.


          1. “Because the activists I thought of were of the sort highly unlikely to become mainstream in the closest decades. Their slogans are not effective and push most Americans away, while Trump knew what to say.”

            • That’s undeniable but they are a small, albeit loud, minority. Most people are not like that and are doing good work. It’s like “college professors” or “college students.” People only hear about the few crackpots but the overwhelming majority are normal people who have zero to do with all the loudmouth crap.


        2. You need to know how to connect with the younger voters, so tweeting is a must and having an active online presence is a must, too. I can’t believe there are no younger politicians who could be good on a national level. Our state representative, for instance, is fantastic. She’s very engaged, always open to communication, she works very hard and is effective. I’m overjoyed she was elected and pushed out the horrible GOP old-timer who held the seat before her. This woman is literally on fire. And by the way, she has a great online presence and doesn’t post any crap or anything frivolous. And I know because I read her stuff every day. We need somebody like this, somebody people could get excited about on the national level. If things can happen in-state, I’m sure they can happen nationally.

          I’ve become a lot more optimistic about national politics and about the future of our party after I started following the state and the regional politics more closely. There are many Democrats who are doing very good, high-quality work on these levels.


  2. “I want to see fresh new faces”

    I guess in theory there’s nothing wrong with this, but in presidential elections these ‘fresh new faces’ suffer from name-recognition problems. A lot of people didn’t know who Bernie was. to give one example. This is another thing that benefited Trump; he was a popular primetime reality TV host for years.

    Maybe this is why presidential candidates skew old.


    1. One can become a superstar in matter of months. One just needs to know how to do that. The news cycle is fast. Nobody remembers what happened 5 years ago.

      But of course, the push has to start now and not in 2019.


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