National Anthem

Ukrainian soldiers are singing the national anthem before going into battle:

Russian soldiers don’t sing theirs because they don’t know it. Russia has a fluid relationship with the anthem and nobody knows for sure what it’s supposed to be at the moment. It’s not filled with any historical meaning, and nobody relates to it emotionally. Neither do they know what their current flag is supposed to mean. But ask a Ukrainian what our flag means, and I promise you’ll never forget the reaction and the answer.

The nation-state is as strong as the emotional attachment people feel towards its symbols. No, it’s not rational. The best things in life never are.

P.S. I don’t know why it says there’s sensitive content. It’s only people singing. It’s sensitive because it’s touching but there’s no violence or anything like that.

21 thoughts on “National Anthem

  1. Are you familiar with the Hunt for Red October film? It has Sean Connery playing a Soviet sub-captain and doing straight up as Sean Connery. There is a scene where his crew breaks out into the Soviet anthem. I guess that is something that would not likely have happened.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We all knew the Soviet anthem, of course. I still remember every word. But I think it’s likelier that people would sing one of the iconic songs of WWII, like this one:

      But if they are younger and it’s happening in the 1980s, then maybe the iconic Afghanistan war song:


      1. The Black Tulip is a completely different type of song compared to any anthems or the Holy War. It is more of a remembering fallen comrades song. Song of the pilots driving the plane with coffins back home…Probably could not be used in the same context as anthems.


        1. That’s true but it does elicit an emotional response. It’s got to be something that people feel.

          “Вставай страна огромная” is a genius song but I feel it’s more older generation.


  2. // Депутаты петербургского муниципального образования “Смольнинское” призвали Госдуму выдвинуть президенту Владимиру Путину обвинение в госизмене из-за военного вторжения в Украину. С помощью федеральных чиновников они хотят добиться отрешения главы государства от должности, потому что война в Украине, по их мнению, наносит вред безопасности России. В четверг поздно вечером подписавшим обращение пришли смс, где говорилось, что в пятницу утром им надо явиться в полицию для составления протокола по ст. 20.3.3 КоАП (дискредитация вооруженных сил). Корреспондент Север.Реалии узнал, верят ли муниципальные депутаты в то, что Госдума может инициировать дело против Путина.


  3. \ At least there are a few people there who aren’t completely insane.

    Not that simple. It’s the wave of the future:

    Петиции об отставке – второй призыв районных депутатов

    Как сообщает УП, Совет депутатов Ломоносовского муниципального округа в Москве обратился к Владимиру Путину с просьбой о сложении полномочий президента РФ

    Это некая новая форма протеста: низовые депутаты обращаются к Императору с верноподданической просьбой оставить престол.
    Мне просто интересно в какой степени подобные петиции организованы некоей башней и какой именно. Потому что поверить в эти заявления как в инициативу снизу мне трудно

    Liked by 1 person

  4. As A Brit whose national anthem has just updated, I found that incredibly moving.
    I now need to look at the news from Ukraine because local media aren’t covering any world news at the moment.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Ah! Of course.

          I’m surprised that Charles will be King. Wasn’t he supposed to abdicate into his son? The one’s who’s Kate’s husband? I never remember the name.


          1. “Wasn’t he supposed to abdicate into his son?”

            I’ve read that he’d been doing the bulk of the monarch’s work for a few years now. Supposedly a bunch of people wanted him to abidate, but he’s waited 73 years for this, so… let’s let him have it….

            Liked by 1 person

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