Saturday Link Encyclopedia

Bernie Sanders’s useless wife keeps making an ass out of herself on Fox. What’s wrong with this creep? Feminist bloggers were up in arms when they saw Bernie shoo her away onstage but I’m now understanding why he was doing it.

This is how wild capitalism works: debt collectors in Russia rape debtors and burn their children.

Have you heard of “meternity leave? It’s a new fad for the perennially self-pitying.

Children as consumer goods: horrible, hateful people purchase a baby and then demand a refund because they find the kid deficient.

And talking about hateful people, here is one such freak using the Koran to excuse her own hatefulness.

Few things are crazier than mental health activism.

Drama Queens Unlimited

Love Americans but, God, will they ever tone down the drama-queenishness*? See this, for example:

It has struck me for some time that the Clinton and Sanders supporters are not only disagreeing; we’re speaking different languages. We’re approaching the campaign with entirely different sets of assumptions and values. For this reason, it has been impossible to communicate with each other.

Yes, the horror, the horror! The end of the world is looming on the horizon. In the meanwhile, here on my blog not only have Bernie’s and Hillary’s supporters been coexisting happily and communicating productively, but even Trump’s and Rubio’s fans have felt fine around the blog (no Ted Cruz people here, though. Seriously, are they allowed to use the Internet?).

I have set a great example by donating both to Bernie’s and Hillary’s campaign and driving around with a Sanders sticker while supporting Hillary. And I’ve done all that while speaking not a metaphoric but an actual different language and managing to go through life without screeching stupidly about how immoral everybody is compared to me.

I seriously detest smug, superior moralizers like the one at the link. Bernie so deserves better quality supporters than this type of vapid creature.

* Not all Americans are self-congratulating drama queens. Only the ones who have had very easy lives. They try to spice up their problem – free existence with invented problems.

A Psychological Exercise

You know how babies scream real loud when there’s a slightest thing that makes them unhappy?

If you get a chance to spend a day or at least a few hours alone, try to imitate a baby and scream as loudly and angrily as a baby does whenever you feel any discomfort at all. Avoid any numbing activities (especially the ones that involve screens), listen to yourself, and whenever an unpleasant feeling, thought or memory assaults you, just scream.

If you have high blood pressure especially, this will be very refreshing. But it won’t be easy. The whole process of socialization is about making us comfortable for everybody else and teaching us to swallow discomfort to please others. And by the way, people who go to sports events or rallies where they can use being in the crowd for some socially acceptable screaming are smart. This is a very good thing they are doing for themselves.

Some Remarks on Bernie

Another reason why Bernie is doing worse than he could (and should) is that he’s surrounded by idiots. The campaign manager is a smug creepazoid, the aides are inept, many of the followers are dumb as dirt, and the wife thinks it’s a bright idea to go on Fox Business channel to gush about how much she agrees with Trump and make an ass out of herself with a string of embarrassing bloopers.

This is the result of Bernie having no experience of a national campaign and not expecting the success he’s had. By the way, I’m getting very tired of idiot reporters who keep repeating that Bernie should quit because his criticisms of Hillary give ammunition to Trump’s attacks on her. Yes, because before Bernie came along Republicans never managed to come up with a single attack on Hillary. They’ve been sitting quietly for 30 years, waiting for Bernie to teach them how to attack Hillary. Of all the stupid things to accuse Bernie of, this one is really out there.

What This Election Is Really About

Leaving jokes aside for the moment, I wanted to draw your attention to the most important sentence in Trump’s foreign policy speech:

The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony.

With all of the Lyin’ Teds, Little Marcos, Berniebros, small hands, rallies, and drama, it’s easy to lose sight of what this election is really about. Namely, the central question of our times: do we try to cling to the nation-state model or do we accept that it’s dead and move on to the next state form. Should we try to gain advantage by getting to the next stage before everybody else? Or by lingering in the previous stage until there’s no more juice to suck out of it?

Nation-state or fluid state?

This is the real question here, and the answer is very hard to find.

The pig corpses and the women cards are all a diversion, a way of drawing the attention of the easily distracted majority that falls asleep when anybody mentions words like “state form” and “nation-state.”

We’re Back

So Google came through for us and after conducting a review discovered that there is no malware on this blog. We all knew it from the start but Google got false reports of malware and started blocking us.

While I was waiting for Google to do its work, I listened to a very Baroque speech by Trump – something about 50 bullets inside a pig’s corpse and 49 human corpses – and realized he’s trolling. It was between that and heavy use of PCP, and trolling seemed more logical.

Osh Kosh

For my sins, a baby clothes store was opened half a mile away from my house. And yes, Klara has more outfits than an aging socialite, but how can I resist going to the store? I was literally their first customer when the store opened this morning. They didn’t even have the computers running yet when I showed up. Of course, that’s when I discovered that baby clothes are expensive, especially for something that only serves you for a couple of months.

The Language Lovers’ Club: Proud

Another expression I find to be overused is “I’m proud of you.” It bugs me when people address it to complete strangers in lieu of “I admire you.” For instance, Dr. Phil often says “I’m proud of you” to guests on his show who share how they overcame adversity (without any help from him and many years ago.) Or Obama put these words in his response to a little girl from Flint who wrote him a letter. If the girl were his daughter, it would make every sense of him to say “I’m proud of you” because he could reasonably claim a degree of responsibility for her achievement. But it’s a girl he never met. What’s he to be proud of?

When we substitute “I admire you” with “I’m proud of you”, we adopt a somewhat condescending position that is better than “I approve of you” but falls far short of the more sincere “I admire you.” “I’m proud of you” also claims one person’s achievement as at least partly one’s own. I, for instance, feel happy to share the credit for my achievements with people who were there for me, supported me and contributed to my success. But I find it off-putting when strangers try to make my achievements about themselves by claiming to take pride in them.

If you managed to beat your way through the false warnings of malware on the site, let’s discuss pride vs admiration.

Troll Update

The posts that were hacked by trolls are:

  1. Rauner’s Assault on Freedom;
  2. Naked Men;
  3. Social Engineering.

My bet is that it all started with Naked Men, which is bad because that’s seriously the title of the novel I’m working on in my research right now. What, I can’t mention my research now?

Strangely, this never happened with my very popular post on naked Israeli soldiers.