Like the BLM

I love giving talks to the retiree crowd. Today, at the Ukrainian talk du jour where I wasn’t the speaker but more of a question answerer, an older woman came up to ask what Russia’s goals in Ukraine are.

“Do they want to take over and rule it themselves?” she asked.

“No,” I said. “They only want to destroy. It’s blind rage and destruction. Violence for its own sake.”

She struggled with it for a bit but then her face lit up.

“So, it’s like our BLM?” she said. “OK, now I get it.”

An Embarrassing Condition

I have this weird physiological condition where my eyes start to close when I’m bored. They literally can’t stay open and I have to hold them open with fingers. Since I’m only ever bored when I talk to people, this is very embarrassing.

The moment the conversation stops being boring (which is rare), my eyes pop right open.

My husband doesn’t believe me because he’s never around when it happens. Or rather, it doesn’t happen when he’s around.