Ancient Blood Feuds

People sometimes ask me, “why should the US participate in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine that started centuries ago and has nothing to do with the US? Why should America be obligated to participate in ancient blood feuds not of its making?”

My answer is always, “My dude, I’m so with you. Your question is true and the way you word it is perfect.” It’s totally an ancient blood feud that we have with the Russians. It started way before the grandparents of the people who built the Mayflower were even born. The US is definitely not to blame. I’ve been bashing my head against the wall here on the blog for a decade, explaining that it’s not about the NATO expansion, the non-existent CIA coups or “color revolutions.” It’s a civilizational struggle which, yes, is similar to the one between Jews and Arabs.

If America could remove itself completely from it, that would be great. But by completely, I mean just that, completely. Not disarming one side under false promises. Not trying to manage the war from afar. Just completely. But if you can’t do that, then pick a side already and stick with it.

What I do not like and actually despise is when people ask, “But why am I supposed to care about Ukraine?” It’s whiny and infantile. Nobody can make you care or feel anything at all. Your emotions are completely under your control. Stop asking for permission to feel or not feel. Stop trying to involve others in your emotional self-regulation. I have no knowledge or feelings about Taiwan, for example. Am I running around the people who do, moaning at them about why I “should care”? Obviously, not.

Stop being a snowflake already. It’s unbecoming.

I said all this after my most recent talk but in a kinder way. I didn’t want the snowflakes to start weeping right there.

The Storyline

Once upon a time, humans decided to become gods, refashioning themselves and the world in an unceasing act of pointless creation and re-creation. They decided to be the judges of Good and Evil. This poisonous attitude corroded their capacity to be with and for each other. They became lonely, suspicious, competitive, and miserable. As they remade themselves, cracks appeared between the constantly reshuffled parts of their bodies and souls. They tried to plaster over these cracks with drugs and medical procedures. They self-soothed by consuming objects and each other. They sought freedom by cutting all ties and severing all roots.

This is from a writing exercise where we narrated our research projects as stories. Curiously, several people went in the Biblical direction, which shocked some of them.