
Wow, folks, I have truly arrived. I found a dude in Ukraine who plagiarized me. He Google-translated a passage into English and pasted it into his article. That’s so cute. I’m not even upset because it’s really too cute.

The way I found the plagiarist is funny, too. I’m reading his piece and thinking, “OK, sleeplessness is really getting to me. This paragraph sounds exactly like something I would say. I think I’m losing my mind.” Then finally I realize that it doesn’t sound like my paragraph. It is my paragraph. And my linguistic idiosyncrasies were actually preserved quite well in the English translation. 

The Price of Weakness

Yes, actions have consequences. The collapse of the Western presence in Niger is a very big deal and will have profoundly negative consequences. The US is being perceived as traversing its weakest moment right now. We can repeat ad nauseam how successful our withdrawal from Afghanistan and the rest of our foreign policy is but these fairy tales aren’t persuading anybody else.

Speaking in the Night

I now have almost weekly public appearance events in Ukraine where even at scholarly conferences nobody reads their talks. People simply speak, in normal language, about their subjects. I love this format because my brain is incapable of processing monotonously read texts. But it takes a very deep dive into the abysses of my intellect to speak smoothly and off the cuff in Ukrainian. What helps is that, because of the time difference, these talks usually take place in the middle of the night. That’s the time when defences are down, and one speaks almost directly from the subconscious. The fear of making mistakes disappears, and one speaks much better than usual. This is why I don’t ask to change the time of my talks.