Tornado in Iowa

People, did you see? Terrible devastation in Iowa:

Police say there are “multiple deaths.”

Even after the destruction, it’s clear that this was a beautiful place. This is so sad.

Different Way of Selling

There are really nice brands that are being developed in Ukraine. I’ll post some pictures and explain the meaning in a while. But for now, I want to mention that the ordering process is really cute. It’s not automatic. People very pointedly choose to not make it automatic. As a result, each time you want to order something, you end up engaged in a long dialogue where you end up exchanging your life stories and explaining what you are all about.

Yes, it’s not remotely as efficient as Amazon. And it’s never going to make that much money. But it’s kind of really homey and nice. There’s also zero upselling. Upselling is outdated and should be buried once and for all everywhere but in North America not everybody has gotten the message.

Bad Translation

Today, it was announced on Russian TV that the President of Iran had been killed by a Mossad agent called “Eli Copter.” Russians found this information in a French news report. And relayed it to the public with all seriousness.

Mocking Russian news is low-hanging fruit but I can’t fail to mention such a huge translation guffaw. “Eli Copter” does sound vaguely Jewish, so it works.

Book Tour

For today’s event in my book tour that has an audience of over 100 people, I showed up in the same very original and noticeable blouse that I wore in my book trailer. The trailer was shown at the beginning of the event, and I’m sure now everybody is wondering why I never change my clothing.

This is embarrassing.

The next stop in the book tour is on Thursday, and I hope to God I don’t brain-glitch myself into an identical outfit again.