Maasai Bride

My sister visited the Maasai tribe in Tanzania and was immediately offered marriage. She’s one of those women who can find 5 suitors without trying on a deserted island. But she hasn’t as much as looked at anybody since she met her husband at age 19.

The most touching proposition I received from a stranger was when I was 35 weeks pregnant and huge like a beached whale, and a very polite gentleman at the grocery store offered to be my baby daddy if I already didn’t have one.

Showing Up

Trump will never win New Jersey or New York but he’s still doing rallies in those places. Obviously, he has to hold the rallies there because he’s in court in New York and can’t leave but he’s still showing up. Still finding a way to campaign even when every possibility of actually campaigning has been taken away. I respect that.

I would respect that no matter who did it but if you react to the name “Trump” and can’t hear anything else that’s being said, it’s your problem.