Q&A: Trans Ideology

To begin with, I want to mention that the overwhelming majority of people still have no idea what it’s even about. People think it’s simply about being kind and polite, and why not if it takes so little effort and costs nothing to them? Nobody wants to hurt anybody’s feelings.

As for women who trans small children, they are few in number and clearly disturbed. They have very little agency in life, and this helps them feel important and gain attention. If this method didn’t exist, they’d find another.

Of course, when we are talking about children who have reached puberty, there’s not much that parents can do other than be supportive. Any opposition will just make it worse. They have to believe it or convince themselves they believe it because there are no options at that point. The only way out is to have medical procedures of any kind outlawed completely.

So I think it’s mostly people not knowing what’s at stake and wanting to be kind. Once the issue is de-medicalized, it will cease to be a problem.

Q&A: Housework

One important thing to remember is that if you force yourself to do something on a regular basis that you hate, you’ll start to somatize. So don’t do it. Totally not worth it.

A healthier way to go about it is to find out why you hate it. You use very charged vocabulary with 4 strong, vivid descriptors in such a short text. A Stepford wife, a maid, a 50s housewife, on the one hand. Filth, on the other. You have an image of a person who cleans – subservient, robotic, pathetic. And you know that you are not that person. You have a strong personality and you value that in yourself. But you also feel some guilt for being strong and independent. You feel that it’s somehow dirty, filthy, not right. Somebody must have told you that being who you are makes you unclean. If you start cleaning, you’ll prove that person right, and that’s intolerable to you.

I suggest thinking in that direction. What makes you feel unclean? Who, in your mind, is the person that you associate with cleaning? Why do you feel that this person keeps encroaching on you? Instead of denying the emotion and trying to plough through it, untangle it. Only then will it lose its power over you.

Permanent Tracking

OK, I had no idea people did this. It’s beyond bizarre. 17 years with my husband, and I can’t imagine him requesting to have access to my location at all times (or at any time). Obviously, I would not agree because playing into a person’s neurosis is not a good idea.

The author of the article actually accesses an app before going to bed every night to spy on the location of several people she knows. And not one of them cares enough about this clearly unwell person to deny her access. That she’s on anti-anxiety meds and sleeping aids is a given, and nobody can be bothered to help her. That’s why she tried to track everybody so obsessively. She knows people around her don’t give a crap about her.