Limits of Change

The question is a contradiction in terms because people who’d agree don’t have much thinking going on anyway.

We are seeing, though, how we are traveling from genital modifications and experimental vaccinations to obligatory brain surgery. There is no natural limit. The gods of fluidity will always demand more until we put a hard stop to their demands.

A Vox Supporter

The host of our Airbnb apartment in Madrid is a very gay, very sweet gentleman in his sixties.

“Are you a Vox supporter ?” I ask, noticing his wristband.

He searches my face for signs of contempt. Vox is right of center and its supporters are denounced as fascists, Nazis, and hateful bigots. Finding no sign of shock in my face, the host lights up and narrates his whole political trajectory.

He’s for Vox because mass migration is turning Spain into a third-world country. “It’s easy to destroy what we have but we’ll never get it back afterwards. I love my country. Is that a bad thing? Socialists, they lie. That’s all they do. I decided I won’t be lied to again.”

Once he sees that I listen with interest and respect, he’s touched to tears and hugs me effusively, stunning N who didn’t understand the subject of our discussion and the resulting emotional scene.

Sic Transit

The flight was hellish, people. Klara vomited copiously at the beginning of the 8-hour flight and then again at the end. By that time, we had no clothes for her to change into in our carry-on luggage. N took off his T-shirt and Klara used it as a dress. But N was left half-naked and not looking forward to presenting himself like that to the Spanish customs officers.

Thankfully, N always brings a heavy denim jacket, so he wore it with no shirt underneath. It was hot, so he kept unbuttoning it. So I’m standing there, with a half-naked man and a vomit-plastered child who is lecturing me on the differences between vomit, puke, throw up and barf, our Airbnb will not be available for the next 9 hours, and I’m thinking that only yesterday I was almost a YouTube star, and now this.