Why Medvedev?

Why was Dmitri Medvedev chosen by Vladimir Putin 4 years ago to serve as a puppet President? This is a question many people are asking. Medvedev was not known to anybody, had a zero recognition rate among the people of his country, had no leadership skills or experience. He was just an insignificant, lower-level bureuacrat which are a dime a dozen in any country. How was this guy even chosen for the role of Russia’s president?

I have an explanation, and, as weird as it will sound, I believe it is the only one that makes sense.

Putin is a very self-centered, insecure guy with an inferiority complex of enormous proportions. He is also much shorter than an average Russian male. While the average male height among Russian men (not the men of the Russian Federation, mind you, but ethnic Russians) is 6’1, Putin is only 5  feet 5 inches tall. This is quite rare among men in his country.

I don’t think that Putin’s ego would have been able to withstand appearing in public next to a guy who’d tower over him. Putin has become notorious for coming up with devious ways of avoiding being filmed standing next to taller people. So he chose Medvedev, a political nobody, whose one great quality is that he is only 5 feet 2 inches tall.