Serbs Worship Gavrilo Princip

Yesterday Serbs unveiled the new monument to. . . Gavrilo Princip in Belgrade:

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic described Princip as a freedom fighter and a hero.

“Today, we are not afraid of the truth,” Nikolic said. “Gavrilo Princip was a hero, a symbol of the idea of freedom, the assassin of tyrants and the carrier of the European idea of liberation from slavery,” Nikolic told the crowd.

Serbia’s nation-building (which has caused a shitload of problems to the world as it is) still takes the weirdest forms imaginable. If I’m not mistaken, Serbia wants to be part of the EU, so it’s quite bizarre to glorify Princip in this context. Obviously, Princip did not start WWI, yet there is nothing he is known for better than creating a pretext for the horrible carnage.