Let’s Help Out the Banks!

This is getting better and better, folks. The Interim Chancellor of my university (a.k.a. the Fuck Research Administrator) has announced that he entered into an agreement with local banks so that they will give university employees loans to cover our healthcare costs until the state figures out if it wants to fulfill its contractual obligations and cover these healthcare insurance claims.

This might happen in  a year, or two, or five. Imagine how much interest will accrue on those loans by that time.

Got it? The Republican governor of Illinois refuses to cover the healthcare claims of state workers and, as a result, banks get scores of new, desperate loan-seekers.

And if somebody tells me this wasn’t all planned exactly this way in advance, I will ask that person to go remove the rose-tinted glasses and then come back.

4 thoughts on “Let’s Help Out the Banks!

  1. Actually, the way this is playing out, my suggestion (which wasn’t a joke, BTW) to move residence to Florida long enough to trigger a “qualifying event” for your health care coverage will turn out to be less costly than paying interest to Your Friendly Illinois Bankster …

    Hopefully you’re getting things sorted in spite of all of this.

    [now imagines Jake and Elwood saying that they hate Illinois banksters, shortly before ploughing through a bunch of them on a conveniently placed bridge …]


      1. I don’t want to sound apocalyptic, but dystopia is the only word that comes to my mind while reading this.

        The feeling that your are alone amongst colleagues who do not care about this must be a nightmare. And the idea that these people teach humanities, social sciences, sciences, and business to young people makes me extremely upset.


        1. I’m starting to feel like I’m insane because literally no one else sees a problem with a public school forcing workers to create extra profit for banks.

          We could do something about it if we wanted to but nobody does. And if you can’t get people to care about their health, you can’t get them to care about anything.


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