It’s Not About Vietnam

Substitute “Vietnam” with “Palestine” and this exact speech can be made today:

My speech illustrated the real importance of Vietnam to the radical cause, which was not ultimately about Vietnam but about our own antagonism to America, our desire for revolution. Vietnam served to justify the desire; we needed the war and its violent images to vindicate our destructive intentions. That was why the victory of our “anti-war” movement seemed so hollow when it came. The peace killed the very energies that gave our movement life. When it was ratified, there was no dancing in the streets by massive crowds of antiwar activists, no celebrations to match the protests that had made the Communists’ triumph possible.

This is from David Horowitz’s Radical Son. Written in 1996, and still as relevant as ever.

4 thoughts on “It’s Not About Vietnam

  1. At least opposition to Vietnam made sense, many Americans didn’t know where Vietnam was and didn’t want American soldiers being killed for no objective reason. But the pro-Palestine protesters are another kettle of fish, many of them just want a politically correct way to be anti-Semitic and aren’t Israeli or Palestinian and are just latching onto the cause du jour. I’m glad I grew up conservative and went to a small Division III college, most of my classmates were old retired people and people with day jobs

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The overwhelming majority of people in this country is looking at these campus cry-babies with contempt. People have jobs, families, lives. Normal students have final exams. This behavior is incomprehensible to them.


  2. This seems like a common phenomenon where people unite against something but splinter/lose purpose when the obstacle is vanquished.


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