Jews and Leftism

Another quote from Horowitz regarding the place of the Jews in radical leftism:

In all my efforts on behalf of black people, I had never thought to ask: Would my black comrades extend themselves to gain justice for me? More than half the freedom riders who had gone to the southern states were Jews, although Jews constituted only 3 percent of the population. It was an unprecedented show of solidarity from one people to another. Jews had put their resources and lives on the line to support the black struggle for civil rights, and indeed two of their sons—Schwerner and Goodman—had been murdered for their efforts. But, even while these tragic events were still fresh, the black leaders of the movement had unceremoniously expelled the Jews from their ranks. When Israel was attacked in 1967 by a coalition of Arab states calling for its anniMore than half the freedom riders who had gone to the southern states were Jews, although Jews constituted only 3 percent of the population. It was an unprecedented show of solidarity from one people to another. Jews had put their resources and lives on the line to support the black struggle for civil rights, and indeed two of their sons—Schwerner and Goodman—had been murdered for their efforts. But, even while these tragic events were still fresh, the black leaders of the movement had unceremoniously expelled the Jews from their ranks. When Israel was attacked in 1967 by a coalition of Arab states calling for its annihilation, the same black leaders threw their support to the Arab aggressors, denouncing Zionism (the Jewish liberation movement) as racism. Rarely had a betrayal of one people by another been as total or as swift.

Of course, nobody except Horowitz learned anything and we are exactly where we are right now.

21 thoughts on “Jews and Leftism

  1. For one hopeful minute, I thought the sentence that began “ I had never thought to ask: 

    would complete itself “whether the southerner Blacks wanted my help, and whether it was proper of us to meddle in their affairs.

    Ah well.


    1. He touches on that briefly, when he notices there are very few black people at the funeral of someone he knew who devoted her life to racial activism.

      “I noticed immediately that there were only a handful of blacks. The dead woman had devoted herself to the cause of black prisoners and their struggle against racism. She had taken their cause into the halls of government, and had presented it to the public at large. In her professional life she had defended hundreds of black prisoners. But blacks had not come to her funeral to pay her a last respect. It occured to me that the black community might have a different view of these criminals than did white radicals like Fay.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “black community might have a different view of these criminals”

        The sheer malice in Fay assuming that blacks are all criminals (the unspoken assumption here)…. No wonder they didn’t care when that nasty piece of work was longer around to worship felons…

        But…. there are always new Fays

        Liked by 1 person

          1. That’s hopeful. It’s not necessarily a Jewish thing* mind you, but a progressive one: the desire to help the human object of one’s action, rather than the desire that a human being not need one’s–anyone’s–help.

            *I have lost track of the number of Jewish persons both online, in the historic record, and in person who claim that Judaism and/or Jewish identity is synonymous, nay even requires, neo-liberalism, progressivism, communism, et al. It’s a sad business.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. “half the time it eats the comments”

              Hasn’t really done that to me but ever since wordpress introduced the ‘block’ system it can be hard to edit (and I usually edit… a lot).


          2. I’m sorry. This sucks. I’ve noticed the huge number of anonymous comments that need approval and I realize it’s WordPress fussing around unnecessarily with sign-in features. Very annoying.

            People immediately conclude I’m censoring them if I don’t approve immediately, even in the middle of the night.


    2. whether the southerner Blacks wanted my help

      Well, given what a shit show the segregated south (where I was born) was … (I remember local school desegregation which was an unalloyed good) I’m sure they appreciated any help they could get, but I can’t help but I’m wondering how many of the ‘helpers’ thought they were the stars of the show (which ended up breeding resentment).

      My parents belonged to the NAACP in the 1960s (kind of brave at the time and place) but they were responding to a specific evil at a specific time and didn’t think of themselves as the vanguard of some new reality.

      I think that’s the difference.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. “Jews in radical leftism”

    I can’t help but think this meme was inspired by leftist progressive Jews….

    I’m also curious about what message they thought they were sending…. was “we need to reinforce the concept of “equal before the law”? or was it “viva la revolution! Down with the MAN!!!!” (not realizing that almost everyone regards Israelis as ‘the man’ in the Middle East….


    1. It is the difference between those who those who perceive human objects as wanting help, and those who want other human beings not to need one’s–or anyone’s– help.

      I’ve come to wonder if the Jewish cultural assets (it’s a self-identified group with quite a bit of cultural capitol) in mass media, academia, prominent and powerful think-tanks, and other global NGOs isn’t doing the ethnic group more harm than good. I have lost track of the number of self-identified Jews online, or in the historic record who insist that their identity, even Judaism itself, is synonymous with communism, social justice, wokeness, anti-racism, open borders, et al.

      As familiar as I am with the claims that womanhood requires similar commitments, one has to wonder whether this claim has validity outside of a specific neo-liberal cohort.


  3. I learned the lesson that if you help people they hate you back in primary school, I’d try to be nice and help my classmates with their work and they’d still bully me, so I stopped bothering. I learned to not help anyone except little kids or really old people, people hate if you help them. One is better off letting people sink or swim, humans can be ungrateful bastards


  4. I remember you commenting a long time ago that one of the reasons jews were into “saving” blacks during the civil rights era was because they couldn’t process the idea of being victims, with the memory of WWII still being fresh. So they projected all their internal victimhood onto black people and decided to make them their pet project as a way to discharge their own anxieties. I think I’ve got it right but please correct me if I’m misremembering.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, exactly. Being a savior is very pleasing but it’s a manifestation of hubris. And the price one pays for these savior projects is always high. Horowitz only realized what a jerk he was being, helping the Black Panthers when they murdered an innocent woman, a friend of his.


        1. No sympathy for these people. Spent all their lives demonizing white people only to realize that browns consider them white too lmao. Fuck them.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. One by one, all the favorite liberal groups get punished for their troubles by their own side. Gays, Jews, feminists. All are staring at it in shocked disbelief. “But I was faithful to the cause! Why me??”


            1. That is why I maintain that republicans should do exactly nothing. Don’t bail them out. Let them fight. Someone burns down a building at Harvard? Don’t threaten me with a good time!

              Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving institution that has been the epicenter of all the anti-white and anti-american sentiment in this country.

              Liked by 1 person

        2. That’s what I feared from the start. No lesson has been learned. A new BLM riot will be announced tomorrow, and all the Jews who are today wailing “how could you?” will beeline it there and force us all to put BLM slogans in our email signature.


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