Ignorant Academics

Here is an excerpt from last week’s article that came out in Ukraine. I translated it with GT because it illustrates really well the abyss of ignorance in which Western academics have chosen to exist:

Last fall, after the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, I received a phone call from a university colleague from Canada. The professor asked me a somewhat unexpected question:

— Ihor, how many pro-Hamas demonstrations have taken place in Ukraine recently?

— ???

— Well, if not for Hamas, how many pro-Palestinian or anti-Israeli demonstrations were there?

- Practically none... Why do you ask such strange questions?

- The questions are not strange. At our university, and at other Canadian universities, the majority of faculty and students support the Palestinians and, by extension, Hamas…


It takes a very special kind of moron to look for pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Ukraine where everybody knows how involved Russia has been in managing Hamas and Hezbollah since their inception.

Drowning in Lies

Even after these allegations were exhaustively researched and exactly zero bodies were found in these “mass graves”, the lies get repeated again and again. The public’s confirmation bias kicks in, and people start believing in these utterly imaginary mass murders of indigenous children simply because they heard about them so much.

There are so many of these extraordinary lies that a normal person can’t keep track. Our shared public space is being poisoned with falsehood. And the only reason this happens is because we allow it. We never punish the liars. Instead, we keep consuming the lies they peddle.