Q&A: Incarceration Rates

I moved to Canada with my ex-husband, and then three months later the relationship was over. I was thus sensitive to issues surrounding failed marriages, and at the same time, I was trying to figure out my new country. That was when I heard on the news the story of a young man who murdered his ex-wife because she had started dating and he was upset. He was given some ludicrous jail sentence – a couple of years, if that.

I was stunned. A young woman was dead. He’d cut her up into ribbons but it was OK because he had wounded fee-fees? He’d get out of jail in a matter of months and go on to have more wives, children, beach vacations, etc while that completely innocent woman was gone forever. Her family would have to observe him prancing happily about while their grief never ended.

Then there was a scandal with a Canadian female serial killer who engaged in orgies while incarcerated, posing for photos with the luxuries she enjoyed at the expense of the taxpayers. This woman had participated in the rape and murder of several people, including her own sister. She served 12 years in resort-like conditions and then was released to a life of discarding husbands and children. Her victims never got a chance to form their own families, of course. The public kept begging the authorities to protect them from this vile creature as she flitted from one location to another. But nobody could do anything because she’d served her sentence and was free to do as she wished.

It gets worse in other countries. Spain releases its Basque terrorists who committed more than two dozen murders, and they joyfully scarper into the very communities that they devastated. The courts give them thousand-year sentences but they all get commuted to something insignificant. A dude murdered more than 20 people, and he gets to walk around free, like it’s all fine. I don’t want to imagine how the relatives of his victims feel, seeing his fat, happy mug posing for photos at some protest du jour.

We keep getting told that something is wrong with America where this doesn’t happen. But maybe the problem lies with how other countries keep their incarceration rates lower. What do you think?

Lost in Translation: A Riddle

I was reading an article in Spanish and thought I was having hallucinations when the article informed me that there was a struggle among political parties on the entire territory of Soviet Ukraine during WWII. Then I realized that the author must be a great fan of Google Translate.

Who can guess, what was there instead of a struggle among political parties that the article’s author translated so hilariously?

[No parties were allowed to exist in the USSR except for the Communist Party.]

The Pendulum Swings

OK, that’s unexpectedly lucid. I’m tired of China-mongering, and it’s good to see Biden is being briefed by people who understand the region.

After this, I’m kind of getting interested in voting for Biden again. That debate can’t come soon enough.