Q&A about Teenage Smoking

I would tear the pack out of the teenager’s hands, smoke every cigarette in it to the nub, and lick the packet clean while heaving with delight.

Which would probably put the teenager off the weed but do nothing positive for my well-being.

Sorry, I’m not in a good position to try to prevent anybody else from smoking. I’m barely managing to prevent myself.

6 thoughts on “Q&A about Teenage Smoking

  1. My kids aren’t that age yet. But I remind them that nicotine stunts your bone growth plates, and if you smoke during your still-growing years, you’ll be short like your uncles.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “remind them that nicotine stunts”

      Cause teens are easily convinced with logical arguments and have a keen grasp on the idea of ‘future consequences’?

      tbh I have no idea what the optimum course is…. I imagine it’s something like ‘don’t pretend to approve but don’t try to nuke them with facts and logic either’.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The optimum course is the one my father took with me, but you have to time it right, during the teen’s growth spurt when they shoot up 20cm in a year but their cardiovascular system doesn’t keep pace.

        Take them on a hard hike in mountainous terrain, with not too many breaks. Then when they’re utterly exhausted and stop, sit down next to them. Light a cigarette. Offer them one.

        20 years later, I still get nauseous if I try to smoke.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I know. I have no idea if it’ll work when they get to be teens. But any time the subject of “why is dad so tall, and uncle so short?” comes up, that is the answer. Hoping that it’ll stick.


  2. What are the finest cigarettes for the price, especially a very high price?

    There’s a brand of tea in Singapore that resets your taste for tea, because it’s that good.

    Some of the blends are more than £50 per box of 20 individually packaged tea bags.

    Obviously you need the finest German rock sugar for this kind of tea as well as the best English cream, as anything else is an affront to good taste.

    So I think I know what to do. 🙂

    Ah, kid … do you really want to try cigarettes?

    Here are some of the best!

    Oh, did I mention that everything cheaper tastes much worse or has the wrong buzz now that you like this?

    And that the £200+ per packet is just a bit out of your price range?

    Well then, if you want luxury that badly, you will just have to reach for a lifestyle where you can afford it!

    And here I was concerned that you might grow up lazy and broke! 🙂

    In the meantime the taste of ordinary cigarettes has been ruined, just like how that Singapore tea brand leaves me unable to drink the cheap stuff for weeks at a time.

    But is this really so evil, you may ask …

    Many years ago, I got my girlfriend at the time hooked on green pack Dunhills and Caporals, which she really couldn’t afford.

    It cut down on her smoking considerably while also letting her enjoy it more.

    Eventually she couldn’t justify the expense and gave up the habit.

    As for Clarissa, I’m sure there’s something suitably pricey to do the same. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Also: Tokyo. Ginza. Hand-made, hand-packed, bespoke blended.

      Utterly devoid of the scary shit many countries put on cigarette packets.

      It’s a thing you just have to be aware of. 🙂


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