Nothing to Be Proud

Nineteen-year-old Ruslan V. V Turko and two unnamed minors were arrested on Wednesday for first-degree malicious mischief after vandalizing the rainbow Pride mural that sits in front of Riverfront Park located in Spokane, Washington.

The media description of what happened is, of course, extremely tendentious. These teens are facing felony charges for leaving skid marks while riding their scooters. That’s all they did. They revved their scooters and left barely visible skid marks. But the crosswalk where they left scooter marks was painted the saintly rainbow colors, so it’s now a felony to leave a scratch on it. It’s a good idea for everybody to avoid that crosswalk because what if you track mud on it? Or make a facial expression that is considered genocidal?

In the massively tolerant Canada, the support for LGBT “dropped precipitously” over the past couple of years. I wonder what the teens in Spokane will learned about the importance of tolerance from this experience.

11 thoughts on “Nothing to Be Proud

      1. Yeah, that went from “please tolerate us” to “We are holy beings and you must pay homage to our holy symbols *even if we paint them on the ground* and heretics will be arrested” very quickly, didn’t it?

        (and FFS if you put your symbol IN THE ROAD and then prosecute people for scuffing it… maybe you should have painted it on a fracking WALL then)

        So yeah… maybe it’s always been demons.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. For clarity: back when the movement was “we just wanna visit our loved ones in the hospital” it seemed human. But the rapidity with which it went from there to prosecutable religious tests (an inverted spit-on-the-cross-or-die thing)(bake the damn cake), public religious observances, and demanding that its costumed clergy be able to teach small children… kinda suggests otherwise.

          Liked by 1 person

            1. I’m more inclined to see it in explicitly sub-natural terms. The nonhuman cosplay turning up in there is not accidental, IMO. More than a whiff of brimstone leaking out of that machinery.

              Liked by 1 person

      2. And what is your point?

        That we should be suspicious of anyone who isn’t a conservative making reasonable suggestions because their secret goal is the downfall of society?


  1. It’s the new orthodoxy and I’m afraid it’s here to stay. Most of the English-speaking world is already lost and the rest of the West is quickly following suit.

    The crazy thing is, most sane lesbians and gays are against this pseudo activism – it’s easy to be on the front line when what you are preaching is already government gospel – and those of us who were activists in our youth (I’m 59) know that this is NOT what we were fighting for.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Is it too early for the parody version of Johnny Paycheck’s infamous song called “Take This Pride And Shove It”?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s kind of interesting if you think about it. There is basically a litmus test going on right now across the world. If you believe in God, and believe what is written in the Bible, you know this lgb-whatever and tranny stuff is wickedness. You further know we are living in evil days were wickedness is growing worse and worse. If you don’t believe in God you might have a sense of something is off, but still think everything going on is spontaneous or natural and this is not evil and wickedness rising up.

    In the Christian community we are also seemingly seeing a test of faith going on. There are those who believe the Word of God is correct and that what was prophesied will come to pass. Then there are those who are in the church for social reasons rather than faith, and they are also getting more obvious by the day.

    Quite frankly if any of you lot are unsaved at this point. You might seriously consider getting saved. Things are going to keep getting worse. Right up until the Church is removed and all hell breaks loose on the Earth.

    • – W

    Post Note: We can’t vote our way out of this. This evil will only be resolved after the Great Tribulation. Right now I’d give very good odds that most, not all, but most of our leaders are either in Satan’s camp, or being blackmailed. I might not like them, but there is no way this many so called leaders can be this incompetent naturally. This is enemy action, not natural causes. – W


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