15 thoughts on “Every Single Time

  1. This feels like an inkblot test. The weird thing you notice first says something dreadful about your personality. Probably.

    1. The doctor is still wearing a mask. In 2024. Probably time to find a doc who doesn’t have OCD.
    2. Only the person in the low-status profession is white.
    3. Hijabi professor…
    4. The waitress has a pathologically narrow face and protuberant ears. Childhood malnutrition, birth defect, or genetic disorder?

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    1. It’s like this all the time. In every single task. Also, all white couples are gay. Only non-white couples are allowed sometimes to not be gay.

      This is distracting me from learning.

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    2. Right, so I’ll do your inkblot test …

      a. warzone triage medic supplied by warzone country in complicated medical mercs for hire bakhsheesh deal

      b. a former journo dressed to blend in when she’s not hiding around the Western hotel’s bar

      c. that one works for the Mukhabarat

      d. that’s who that one works for at the Mukhabarat

      (e. collectively “the village people” are your government-assigned protection team, and the waitress is your source for certain items they tolerate Westerners having but are mucho haram otherwise)

      How did I do? 🙂

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  2. Tonight there was not a single white person in a commercial with at least 10 people in it. It was for an app to get a car loan.
    In the ads shown to my family, families all have two black married parents. White people hardly exist.



  3. The only place where a white people are guaranteed a sinecure is those ADT home security commercials where the robber breaking into the house is always a white dude.

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    1. The IRS hasn’t forgotten white people either. I spent this afternoon figuring out my semi-annual county property taxes and my quarterly estimated state and federal income tax payments all due tomorrow


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  4. I hate Duolingo.

    If you want to refresh your German, can I recommend the free materials from Deutsche Welle. They have tons of stuff, it’s mostly good quality, and it’s all free.


    The three series of Nicos Weg materials are particularly good, though you do have to start at the very beginning because it’s like a big soap opera and you won’t know who everyone is unless you start at the beginning. It does have a fair number of immigrant characters, but part of the story is that one of the characters teaches German to immigrants, that’s an excuse to throw some mini-grammar lessons into the story, and we get to meet some of the students.


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