Limits of Change

The question is a contradiction in terms because people who’d agree don’t have much thinking going on anyway.

We are seeing, though, how we are traveling from genital modifications and experimental vaccinations to obligatory brain surgery. There is no natural limit. The gods of fluidity will always demand more until we put a hard stop to their demands.

4 thoughts on “Limits of Change

  1. Setting aside the premature, if not I’ll founded fears of human-technology interface, such a technology can be life-changing for people with debilitating conditions such as cerebral palsy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Would you install a Neuralink interface on your brain to allow you to control your new X phone by thinking?”

    translation from Elonspeak: Hey rubes! Wanna pay to be a guinea pig so that we can work out all the kinks before anyone I care about tries put this latest new gambit for immortality?

    Liked by 1 person

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