My View in San Sebastian

It’s not hard to have a great view in San Sebastian. One would have to try their darndest to avoid having a view. The whole place is one gigantic panorama of views.

The building between me and the view is a school, proving that making schools as ugly as possible is a truly global phenomenon.

9 thoughts on “My View in San Sebastian

  1. I like this kind of cloudy weather.

    How does norther Spain compare with the more desert-like southern Spain? Do you prefer the norther cloudier and cooler weather?

    Seems like visiting Spain in the Summer norther part is the way to go.

    Also, did you find your phone?


    1. It’s +16°C right now. Paradise! It never gets too hot in the Basque Country but it will be warm enough to swim in a few days.

      Definitely come to the North instead of the brutally hot places like Córdoba or Seville. At least, in the summer. Plus, here the food is good.


  2. My city has one really attractive high school building (built in the 1920s, brick with white trim, on a hill, lots of trees around it) and it’s something people who move here always comment on. Everyone’s expectation is that schools will be somewhere on the continuum from bland to hideous and they are genuinely surprised when they see a school that isn’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I should add that most of the schools in the city are on that bland to hideous continuum, there’s just the one nice old high school and one really cute elementary school that is also in an old building in an old part of town.


    2. In my town, the city jail is prettier than the nearby middle school. I haven’t been able to figure out why it is so.

      The high school is fine-looking but that middle school is downright depressing.


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