Mysterious Men

These men were recently apprehended at the US border had released into the country for reasons nobody can explain. Why it’s hugely necessary to let people in first and process their immigration cases much later remains a mystery.

In the meantime, references to the origins of the mysterious “men” who rape and murder their way through the country are being removed from reporting. For instance, it took forever to get out the fact that the rapist and murderer of Rachel Morin was hiding illegally in the US from murder charges in his native El Salvador.

There are more cases than one can reasonably list. Here’s a kidnapping and rape of a child by a dude who crossed illegally from Ecuador. Nobody knows what his antecedents were because nobody cared to find out. He was simply brought in and unleashed on the children of New York, two of whom he proceeded to attack with a machete, kidnap, and violate.

39 thoughts on “Mysterious Men

  1. “mysterious “men” “

    In Europe, the press hides the identity of Muslim migrants (and/or children of Muslim immigrants) suspected of or convicted of crimes. Which has backfired and now suspicion of young men from Muslim backgrounds is through the roof.

    In the US it’s now Latin Americans…. and soon law-abiding Latinos in the US will regret/oppose Biden’s open border plan even more than they already do.

    One difference is that European Muslims show no shame when one of their own commits a crime… just aggressive bluster.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really love headlines that inform us how “three Swedish men organized a sex exploitation ring where they tortured underage children.” Who is supposed to be tricked by them? Congenitally stupid people?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Most American readers and many European ones do not know that in the EU the original citizenship and often still valid nationality of naturalised citizens is never mentioned in news reports pf criminal activities. Same for sports: “Italian”, “French”, “Spanish” champions, and then, as soon as they open their mouths at a press conference after their wins you immediately notice that they are not natives by any stretch. The authorities in their “adopted” countries have bent double backwards to grant them citizenship, often breaking the law repeatedly, because, well, who doesn’t like medals?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. “A Finnish man chopped up 3 people with a machete.” And you sit there wondering what suddenly possessed the notoriously placid Finnish men to turn into machete-wielding maniacs.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting:

    STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

    They found that someone who watched only Fox News would be expected to answer 1.04 domestic questions correctly compared to 1.22 for those who watched no news at all. Those watching only “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” answered 1.42 questions correctly and people who only listened to NPR or only watched Sunday morning political talk shows answered 1.51 questions correctly.


    1. In absolutely no way is Fox News remotely as lying as the CNN or the New York Times. And I’m not even mentioning the MSNBC which is worse than Soviet Pravda.

      I don’t watch or read any of this crap. It’s all lies.


  3. You saw what happened in the NYC case: A shopkeeper and a few other men who lived in the area waited for him to show up in a previous haunt, beat the sh*t out of him, and then handed him over to cops.

    Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person and all, but… I do not like the direction of things there. The way our country is set up, we have ceded justice and law enforcement to the state, so we can all do other things, and so we don’t have to worry so much about vigilante mobs who may or may not care about whether they got the right guy or not. Lynchings used to be a thing here. We do NOT want to go back to that.

    And yet, that is exactly what we are going to get, if we cannot have effective policing and reliable incarceration. Over and over now, it comes out that these guys, foreign and domestic both, have had mutliple encounters with the cops and the courts and keep getting released, right up until they murder somebody.

    Do you remember that case in Sweden? The one where the girl was assaulted by a middle eastern cab driver, cops declined to pursue the case, so she contacted the guy, lured him into the woods, and her boyfriend and his three brothers hung him from a tree… ? Here’s how it ended:

    All five teens were initially prosecuted, but in the end were released on a helluva technicality: the court could not decide which of them had done the actual killing part. So they all walked.

    Mob and vigilante justice is going to make a roaring comeback, if we keep going down the untrammeled migration route. May already be baked in. That could get very ugly, and not just for criminal migrants– possibly also for completely legal migrants, anybody who looks foreign, and basically anybody else thought to be too criminal for the community to tolerate.

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    1. “Mob and vigilante justice is going to make a roaring comeback”

      Bye bye rule of law…. hello family vendettas…. how much longer before Swedes start ignoring the law in dealing with each other…..

      Bad culture drives out good culture….

      “could get very ugly”

      And for non-migrants too…. Jim Bob Hickenstuff feels wronged by Billy Ray Trailerhitch and gets his friends to burn down Billy Ray’s double-wide with Billy Ray and family still inside. That’s where it’s leading (by design).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly.

        I LIKE rule of law. I don’t know why everybody is in such a rush to get rid of it.

        Even when it’s inefficient and clumsy and doesn’t always work perfectly, it’s still better than the tribe-based feud law they’ve got in Somalia. And as much as some libertarian types are in love with medieval icelandic feud law… pretty much anybody who grew up with the US justice/policing system doesn’t actually want to live with that. If you want to have religious law, you have to have a shared majority religion.

        Both feud and religious law have some serious downsides: you are not a free agent. You only get the protection of the legal system if you’re part of a kin network that can enforce it (to whom you have non-trivial obligations), or a member of the religion in question. Have religious doubts? Wanna convert? Dad is a jerk and you want to go no-contact and move away? Better jobs in the big city? Good luck with that, you’re on your own.


        1. So, you know, the Swedes might be able to put together an Althing to deal with each other. There’s some historical precedent at least. Foreigners living there probably need a backup plan in the near term.

          Americans? No such luck.

          I keep half an eye on the news for anything that looks like the opening volleys in that global territorial dispute: arson, probably.


  4. Genuinely curious how you’d respond if every pedophile case in California is reported with “Jewish man found molesting xyz” or “Jewish woman caught…” etc instead of “Florida man…” or “California man…” Curious to know whether you extend this case of name-and-shame to every crime, or only the one done by people you’re already predisposed to hating.

    There’s a reason why people have a presumption of innocence. Tagging them with a country/culture without having established a criminal conviction leads to situations where the actions of an individual is projected onto the group.

    One of those things you’d expect an intellectual to know instinctively.


      1. Being Jewish is an ethnicity. Clarissa is a Christian. But imagine if every ethnicity is listed on every crime. I don’t know whoever thought that was a good idea.


    1. If only there were a word to describe this intense fixation on Jews. Hmm, I wonder if this phenomenon has ever been observed and described. What a mystery.


        1. I strongly advise against referring to Venezuelans and Salvadorans as “of color”. Try to learn something about the people you are condescending to for a change.


          1. Venezuela: “About 51% of the population is mestizo (mixed white and indigenous); Europeans and Arabs (whites) make up 43% of the population, Africans 3.6%, Amerindian people 2%, and other races, mostly Asians, make up 1.2%.[1][2]

            El Salvador: “Ethnically, 86.3% of Salvadorans are mixed (mixed Native Salvadoran and European (mostly Spanish) origin). Another 12.7% is of pure European descent, 1% are of pure indigenous descent, 0.16% are black and others are 0.64%.[1]

            If that’s not considered “of colour”, then maybe we should drop the term.


            1. Considered by whom? Mestizos in these countries consider themselves white. Are you planning to teach them different because you are so superior?

              The American “one-drop rule” is not commonly accepted around the world. People mostly find it ludicrous. As for dropping the term “of color”, I’m all in favor. Let’s drop all American racial obsessions.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Good. First time were agreeing today: let’s drop the term.

                And while we’re at it, let’s stop allowing people to emigrate to Palestine just on one drop off Jewish ethnicity either, while those born in the land are being denied suffrage.



              2. Wait, you think it’s a good idea for “us” to control the immigration policy of a sovereign nation “we” don’t actually live in or have any stake in?


              3. No, methylethyl. I just think it is as ridiculous an idea as the ‘one drop’ rule, if we’re being consistent.


  5. Also, intellectuals may know things instinctively, but intelligent people use their brains.

    Like many “intellectuals” you think intellectual=intelligent, which is far from being the case, but then how would you know, you are an intellectual yourself after all.

    Read any Orwell, ever?


  6. Listen lads, if your gonna comment anonymously, use something that can be used to mark your comment as different from the others who do anonymous comments. For instance, as my name starts with a W, I typically end my comments with. – W

    It makes figuring out who said what easier when you have two or three people using anonymous when commenting. Rather than trying to put it together from a confused mass.

    Thank you. – W

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m pretty sure the whole point is to be able to disavow any previous comments that didn’t work out. “Oh, no, that wasn’t me, that was someone else.”


        1. Nah, I’m so tech-illiterate I have never figured out how to comment anonymously on WP.

          But after trying to bring up a previous comment made by an anon, and getting an immediate “oh, that wasn’t me”… well, even if it wasn’t that anon, that time, I suspect generally the anons keep anon-ing because they prefer to preserve that confusion. As -W points out, you don’t have to have an account to identify yourself consistently for the purpose of coherence in a continuing conversation.

          The choice not to do so is deliberate.


          1. The choice is indeed deliberate, but the blog owner can tell who is who, even if you can’t. Something called IP address or so.

            And if you’re not also text-illiterate, you’d be able to tell from the content of one message and another who is making which point. I believe we learnt that in the English literature/essay/discourse class.


            1. Quit with this weird condescension to people who are massively more intelligent and successful than you, OK? Reader W is a serious person while you are reduced to pretending that my vacation is yours. Find some humility and follow the useful suggestions kindly proffered by other readers.


  7. For my $0.02, I think we are going to see the rise of vigilant justice once more. Frankly I can see both sides of the argument. On the one hand to have order, there really needs to be a institution of law and justice to make things as fair and just as possible. However on the other side, we had that and in many areas it has been corrupted beyond redemption, and if you want justice you have to take it into your own hands.

    There has been several news stories in the last year about people either defending themselves or others who were then put in jail while the attacker/assaulter/robber was allowed to skip off into the sunset. Ignoring that, there is endless problems coming from the alien-invaders that have been swarming over the boarder. Quite frankly if something isn’t done to reassure people that your tax dollars are actually being spent to protect you and keep justice. Well piano wire is cheap when it comes down to it, and there are plenty of angry people that can be found for free muscle. Is it right, no, but in the absence of other options vigilant justice will make a quick return, and good luck putting the jinni back in the bottle after it returns.

    I should make the point that I do believe a large portion of our police forces are willing to bring order back to our cities. The problem is the leadership of the PD, the lawyers/judges, and the politicians in the various cities either don’t care, are paid not to care, or are just too incompetent. This blocks the officers from doing their job as if they do their job, they could be arrested too.

    So yes, I see the age of vigilant justice returning. Frankly at this point it is almost inevitable.

    – W


  8. The UK right wing blogs refer to this as MONA

    For some reason, when the alleged perpetrators might possibly worship in the religion of peace, the UK newspapers forget to make any reference to their name or appearance, hence Men Of No Appearance.

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