Normal and Weird

That’s exactly what I do. I don’t get why it’s funny.

It’s interesting that one can behave in a way that’s completely normal to one yet to other people it looks weird. Speaking of which, Klara and I came up with the following joke after observing a small crowd of completely naked elderly people on the beach in San Sebastián:

“Hey, body parts! Whatcha doing?”

“Oh, just hanging out.”

One thought on “Normal and Weird

  1. “hanging out”

    😀 😀 😀

    I drive when my husband is in the car. But that’s a courtesy on his part, because I get carsick when I’m a passenger. I hope that doesn’t look to an outsider as though I’m dominating him or something! Not that it is any of their business…

    Liked by 1 person

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