19 thoughts on “Debate Impressions

      1. Such a horrendous performance that people are suspicious.


        “Thing we know:

        1. The insiders knew Biden was like this.

        2. They didn’t have to agree to any debate at all. They certainly didn’t have to propose and show up for the earliest debate in history.

        3. So they humiliated Biden deliberately, but only after the primary voters get no say, yet early enough pre-Convention for the insiders to pick his successor before the fall campaign.

        This has been the plan for a long, long time.”

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Did the Dem base see anything wrong with his performance, though? They might think he did great. These are, after all, the people who believe all sorts of very crazy things because they are told to.


          1. From what I’ve been able to make out on twitter, yes. They’re hysterical. Even on CNN, nobody on the panel could defend his performance. So if the people that tell libs what to think are feeling like this, you can imagine how it went.

            CHUCK TODD: “Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting … you saw it before your eyes!”

            lol if you’ve lost Chuck Todd…

            Liked by 3 people

              1. It’s a cult where not noticing the obvious is the price of admission. They won’t notice until they are told to notice. Then, they’ll forget everything they noticed once a new command is given.

                Liked by 2 people

          2. Don’t believe everything about Democrats that you read on conservative media. I live in a deep blue bubble, I think Biden got almost 80% of the vote in my county in 2020. I am surrounded by Democrats, I do not know a single person locally who votes Republican, and I do not know a single person who is enthusiastic about Biden. Sentiment about Biden ranges from he’s-OK-but-why-can’t-we-find-someone-better/younger to he-is-the-lesser-of-two-evils-so-I-will-vote-for-him-because-I-have-no-choice. No one is excited about him.

            If Democratic insiders pull off a convention switch and can somehow find a decent, non-geriatric replacement for Biden, the Democratic base will respond with enthusiasm. The trick is going to be finding a decent replacement – all prominent politicians suck. That’s why the Republicans are running Trump again. Trump sucks, but so did every Republican who showed an interest in replacing him.

            Liked by 2 people

            1. Agreed on all points. But it’s all very maddening. Such a large country. So much talent and drive. How come we can’t come up with a few energetic, worthwhile candidates?


    1. An excellent analysis, thank you. We keep trying to reduce everything to personalities when the actual problem is that there’s no vision, no solutions to actual problems are being proposed, the establishment is clutching at the sad remnants of the decaying world order and pretending that nothing has changed since 1978. Who cares if Biden is old? If he had a cabinet of visionary thinkers, his age would be a non-issue. But he’s surrounded by stupid, terrified drones without a single original idea.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Trump won.

    “Trump looks better than Biden. I turned it off because it was too depressing.”

    You didn’t watch the debate live because… you have a life, and who spends hours of their life gathering new information about a decision they’ve already made and aren’t going to change?

    But as a general note: Both of these guys are old and around the same age (could’ve been in the high school at the same time). Both of these guys had covid, which if you believe every alarming report, can induce cognitive difficulties. Both of them have either been through a lot of legal issues lately and/or have have adult children go through this. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had a President with age related cognitive issues in office. (Reagan). It wouldn’t even be the first time we’ve had a President with major health problems they should’ve disclosed (Kennedy, Wilson).

    My meta issue in general is that we have these old people in the government surrounded by advisors who think the same way but we don’t get the benefit of someone who can take the long view. We’re all supposed to operate and act as if nothing is relevant beyond a year ago, when they both have been in the government/public life a long time, and act as if nobody’s decisions have any long term implications. In many cases, they don’t care because they count on being gone.

    I would say a younger politician would make a difference, but the problem is they operate the exact same way as these retirement age guys and in a lot of cases are even dumber. Having children doesn’t make any of them care about the future.

    I can see the seeds of a major diplomatic crisis and clusterfuck war of attrition being set up in the future and nobody cares. Just kick it down the road into infinity. And I’m not that smart or insightful.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is something:

    // Z-общественность постоянно переживает: мол, мало внимания уделяется поэзии, восхваляющий героев СВО.

    Маргарита Симоньян жаловалась еще осенью 2022 года.

    «Когда мы обратились в издательства с предложением издать тот самый сборник современной фронтовой поэзии “Поэzия русского лета”, который мы сами составили, сделали иллюстрации и вообще все, нам ответили: “Уберите с обложки букву Z. С этой буквой ни один книжный магазин не возьмет”».

    Но, с другой стороны, зайдите на страницу «ВКонтакте» z-поэта Геннадия Ракитина (копия). В друзьях — почти сотня депутатов Госдумы и около тридцати сенаторов. Значит, интересуется власть патриотической литературой?

    Авторы антивоенного проекта «Геннадий Ракитин», конечно, хотели бы, чтобы их стихи в итоге доползли бы до магазинов, но у них больше нет сил его вести. Потому что Ракитина — не существует, и все его стихи, которые так понравились депутатам и сенаторам, — перевод стихов поэтов нацистской Германии конца 1930-х — начала 1940-х.

    Full post is here.

    A good reaction from an Israeli Jew with one of good poems.


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