When Idiots Clash

LAKE CITY, AR (KAIT)– The Riverside School district has decided not to have a 6th grade graduation this year after a parent protested against prayer during the ceremony.

Local mom Kelly Adams presents the case for allowing prayer:

“As Christians and a mainly Christian town I think, there were a lot of people hurt that our rights were taken away,” Adams said.

“My daughter graduated last year from 6th grade and my son is graduating this year from 6th grade, and we had a pastor open our ceremony and my daughter actually closed the ceremony in prayer,” she said.

Both parents are being idiots about this. Does parent #1 seriously think that his or her child will be damaged for life by this prayer? Does parent #2 think her kid will be damaged for life by lack of it?

Instead of letting their children study peacefully, these folks create a tense, unpleasant situation out of what should be a happy occasion. And all for what? To make everybody see that they care about their stupid ideology more than they do about their kids?

I believe that school prayer is a violation of the Constitution of the US and should be fought against. There are, however, millions of ways to combat it without involving 12-year-old kids. Their graduation is supposed to be about them, about celebrating their achievement, not about their parents’ ideology.

If these parents can’t see that their children are separate people with their own separate interests on this occasion, do you believe they can make the distinction in other areas of the children’s lives?

3 thoughts on “When Idiots Clash

  1. I now crown thy parents the king and queen of stupid! Huzzah!

    Seriously, there’s no other way to describe this. Even making fun of these people does nothing because they are beyond dumb, IMO.


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