Thursday Link Encyclopedia

Few myths are more hilarious than the belief that there is some sort of taboo placed on mental illness: “Far from being taboo, talking about mental illness, being mentally ill, is highly fashionable. People actively seek out a diagnosis of mental sickness.”

The secret lives of Tumblr teens.

The University of Portland has launched a “Speak Up” webpage that encourages students to report “incidents of discomfort” to its Public Safety department. “We ask members of our community to SPEAK UP and report alleged incidents of discrimination and incidents of discomfort regarding observed or experienced interactions of intolerance,” the university states on the webpage.” And now consider how many bureaucrats will be needed to sort these discomfort complaints and you’ll know why tuition is skyrocketing. But are students or parents protesting? No? Then let them have it.

The sexual misery of the Arab world.

Bernie-splaining to black voters.

The precarious history of “Las Meninas.

California is changing, and not in a good way.

Another idealistic young woman murdered by an asylum seeker in Europe.

The Clintons are in no way to blame for the growth in mass incarceration.

What made the American 1990s so great.

16 thoughts on “Thursday Link Encyclopedia

      1. “I’m sure he’s got better things to do than hang out at some boring funeral.”

        Like going to Cuba to kiss Castro’s ring? (Attending funerals is the Vice President’s job, anyway.)


      2. “President Obama won’t be attending Scalia’s funeral.”

        On the surface it seems like an apalling breach of protocol. I don’t know if it’s normally the case that presidents attend the funerals of justices but it seems wrong.

        Honoring those have served the system well (no matter what you think of his legal principles he did do that) is part of the job description. Blowing it off for a pleasure trip to hobnob with an avowed enemy (of no strategic value whatsoever) seems flippant and immature.

        On the other hand, this could be just another piece of the collapsing nation state – the fracturing of government into competing factions who recognize no higher principles in steering the ship of state (to make a terrible metaphor).



          Four of the last seven SCOTUS deaths have not been attended by the President in office.

          “Blowing it off for a pleasure trip to hobnob with..”

          I’m surprised you didn’t say ‘..palling around with terrorists’.

          Can’t help yourself, can you?


    1. The moderators just asked Bernie if he’s a single-issue candidate. He said, “Of course not,” and then started talking about — the ECONOMY! 🙂


      1. This town hall is sponsored by Telemundo (and presumably being simultaneously shown with Spanish dubbing on that channel), so many of the questions are from Hispanics in the audience asking detailed questions about the specifics of the candidates’ immigration policies.


  1. Пишут, что место, где судья Скалия умер — богатое ранчо-курорт в Техасе, которое принадлежит его другу Джону Пойндекстеру. Судья отдыхал там бесплатно…
    В прошлом году Верховный суд не принял к рассмотрению жалобу на решение суда по иску против фирмы Пойндекстера. Скалия не отказался от участия в решении по этой жалобе.


  2. Harvard University removes the word master from its academic titles after protests over slavery and considers changing its official seal

    Massachusetts school says it is also considering changing its official seal
    The seal features the crest of the former slave holding family the Royalls

    Some 100 migrants rioted in a refugee camp in Belgium after Syrian and Iraqi migrants clashed with Afghans because a young girl was not wearing a headscarf.
    The young Syrian girl at the centre of the dispute had been targeted by the Afghans for days over her refusal to wear the headscarf, an item of modesty clothing often enforced in Islamic countries.
    But when she was defended by her fellow Syrians, a riot erupted which saw the groups of migrants attacking each other with rubbish bins, chairs and broomsticks.


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