The Department of Homeland Security Wishes Me a Happy Birthday

I just got a Birthday gift from the Department of Homeland Security: my green card. It arrived 3 weeks too early, too.

It’s really green, too.

I understand it’s a coincidence it arrived on my Birthday but, still, it’s nice. Besides, my university is about to initiate the renewal of my work visa, which the card makes unnecessary. Yippee!

There will be several things to celebrate on my St. Louis weekend.

12 thoughts on “The Department of Homeland Security Wishes Me a Happy Birthday


    (Oh yeah your birthday present sounds much better than the one I’ll probably get this year. I get to have a (possibly) new president and a new NC governor for my birthday this year. Yeah Election Day falls on my birthday this year so don’t be surprised if I go out for some serious drinking on the 10th.)


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