
Still can’t get over the idiotic concept of microaggressions?

Time to do that because there is now a new kind of micro grievance competing for attention. It’s called “microinvalidation“:

Microinvalidations are characterized by communications or environmental cues that exclude, negate, or nullify the psychological thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of certain groups, such as people of color. Color blindness is one of the most frequently delivered microinvalidations toward people of color.

The author lost me at “nullifying psychological thoughts” but I have no doubt this thought-nullifying concept will be very popular.

3 thoughts on “Microinvalidations

    1. You’d be surprised with how diligent they become the moment a chance to feel sorry for themselves presents itself. 🙂

      This is not a thing among my students, though. Only rich kids entertain themselves this way.


  1. One of my psychological thoughts sought nullification and raised an army, but the rest of my mind raised a bigger army, freed the thoughts that were being held against their will, and forced the leader of the rogue army to surrender at a conveniently located court house.

    I really, really should stop watching American historical documentaries when I’m close to needing sleep … 🙂

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