Protecting Syria

The official reason for Russia to invade Syria has finally been found.

Russia’s Channel 1 (the main source of information for all Russians) has announced that there are 40,000 Russian women in Syria who are there because they married Syrian men, and it’s Russia’s duty to protect them. By means of bombing, obviously.

I don’t want to be a nag but if somebody had paid attention when Russia started to “protect” Russians in Ukraine by bombing the hell out of them, we wouldn’t be seeing Russian combat aircraft “protecting” Russians in Syria.

Question: how many more countries do the unhinged Russians need to protect by way of bombing until somebody wakes up and stops them? At every stage of this insanity there has been an easy, non-military way of stopping them. And at every stage, it wasn’t used.

One thought on “Protecting Syria

  1. The only “somebody” on this planet with the military clout to stand up to Russia is the United States — not going to happen with Obama in the white house.

    Europe — all of it — has been essentially militarily defenseless since WWII, and this has been a deliberate if unstated policy. The countries of Western Europe knew that they were protected from the Soviet threat by the U.S./NATO nuclear umbrella. Then when the Cold War ended, the voters in those social democracies saw no need to divert social-welfare funds into a standing military that could actually defend their nation. (They still don’t.)

    During the Warsaw Pact days, the USSR didn’t want any of the pact’s captive nations to develop a strong separate military. (That would have made it more difficult to put down rebellions in East Germany, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia.) When the USSR collapsed, some of Russia’s neighbors saw the coming threat, and
    rushed as fast they could into NATO membership. But obviously, none of those countries could possibly face Russia with their present military forces.

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