4 thoughts on “The Pope and Kim Davis

  1. The Pope didn’t really “meet privately with Davis” the way it’s being portrayed by her wildly spinning lawyers and the hysterical liberal media.

    The Pope was already scheduled to meet with a group of people (not sure who exactly) at the Vatican Embassy in Washington, and somebody within that group invited Davis. The Pope probably wasn’t even aware of her presence until he took her hand as he moved in assembly-line fashion through the group, taking a few minutes to take each person aside and say a few homilies before presenting each attendee with a cheap token gift (a rosary).

    Big deal!


    1. We all know I’m not a fan of the Pope but criticizing him for this is just bizarre. He’s supposed to seek out the troubled, the needy, the less fortunate. That’s his job.


      1. It’s not that bizarre when you realize that many writers on far-left websites are enraged that some of their fellow liberals praise this Pope as a “liberal, progressive” leader, when he’s always been, well, a Catholic — and his church has just about the most anti-progressive, backward stances on social issues on the planet.


  2. …it’s the Pope’s duty to comfort the poor in spirit.

    This. And it’s also the best statement I’ve read about this, since it’s driving people nuts on other blogs–especially those who after praising the Pope for his speech to Congress and his statements about inequality and climate change wheeled right around after hearing about the Kim Davis affair and began screaming just how awful the Pope was.

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