I Told You So

Hey, folks, have you heard that Ta-Nehisi Coates has been awarded the MacArthur Genius Grant?

Not only is this great because he totally deserves it but also because this proves that the predictions of the inevitable demise of responsible, professional journalism have not come true.

Coates writes mile-long, painstakingly researched investigative pieces that are not based on snappy soundbites and tweetable clichés. And guess what? Everybody wants to read him.

This award is great news for all of us. And also, haven’t I been telling you this entire time he’s a genius? If there’s anything I know, it’s good writing.

5 thoughts on “I Told You So

  1. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I think Coates is fantastic and I’m so happy about this award. Also, perhaps to my shame, I’m not particularly tuned in to much contemporary journalism (apart from literary criticism). And so your links help me stay caught up with his work. I confess that I would probably miss many of his columns if it wasn’t for you (I especially appreciate that you link to him even when you occasionally disagree with him.) So thank you for your wonderful weekly link round ups. 🙂


      1. I like Gopnik’s writing–and he had a great one about how Obama took down Trump at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner while the mission to take out Osama bin Laden was underway.


  2. He earned this, and I’m glad he got it. I may not agree with some of his views, but he is a fantastic writer and better than a good chunk of some “journalists” out there.

    Plus he’s going to be writing the Black Panther comic for Marvel soon. Definitely worth me going back to the comic shop.


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