23 thoughts on “Sigrid Undset

      1. Impossible to tell by the hair in the photograph — but if she were a brunette, her
        eyebrows would probably appear somewhat darker.


  1. I read the book and loved it. The first part seemed nice, but the second and the third ones are simply great since they deal with marriage and old age well, while books dealing with separated lovers are more plentiful.

    I also loved her myth-saga-like very short book – Gunnur’s daughter. It is online in Russian, translated as Сага о … Льоте.


  2. That is incredible! I thoroughly enjoyed her trilogy, and I’m curious to hear your thoughts on it.


  3. So, did you end up reading Kristin Lavransdattir? Asking because I’m reading it right now, and quite pleasantly surprised by it. Very psychologically plausible family dynamics, and a main theme of choice vs consequence that sounds like something you’d also enjoy.


      1. Re Kristin Lavransdattir, the first part is the worst of the three, quite stereotypical but still nice imo.

        I loved the second part the best since it presented a realistic description of a post-marriage life of two passionate lovers. They do love each other, but it doesn’t turn life into a fairy-tale paradise.

        The third part puts emphasis on religious life of Kristin and of her sons, so I felt less connected to it, but still think it’s well written.

        Btw, did you try reading “Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell”? Did fantasy elements prevent you from enjoying the book, or did you dislike it for another reason?


      2. Is it the Nunnally translation or the Archer & Scott one? Heard the A&S one was ersatz Arthuriana, bowdlerized and full of thees and thous. The Nunnally one reads fine (if not spectacular) to me, but your mileage might vary ofc.


        1. // Is it the Nunnally translation or the Archer & Scott one?

          I read in Russian and liked the translation.
          If it’s a matter of translation, Clarissa, you also may look at the Russian version.


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