Where Do You Stand Politically?

April at ethecofem linked to this fun quiz that determines your political stance. The questions are worded in a way that is often quite weird, but if you manage to get past that, the quiz is fun. You can find it here. (Access the quiz by pressing on the second line from the top).

And here is my diagnosis, in case people are wondering:

You want government out of people’s personal lives, but you appear to desire some continued government control over people’s economic activities. There is no political party that represents your views. The Green Party does run many candidates with similar views, but the overall Green Party platform is much more socialistic than you are. You would need a mix of Democratic, Green, and Libertarian politicians in office to get the balance of freedom and social justice you desire. The ratio between these depends on how high up your dot is on the chart.

Approximately 12% of the takers of this quiz scored in this area, 18% for all liberals outside the centrist circle.

I can’t say I’m surprised by any of this, so it means the quiz must be working at least somewhat.

Enjoy and don’t forget to share your results!

44 thoughts on “Where Do You Stand Politically?

  1. Hmmm on these quizzes I usually get radical liberal (that left point) but this one had odd choices for the questions, seemed to have some sort of slant, and I couldn’t figure out how to answer questions in a way I could be sure that I was really answering what the quiz author was asking … and on some, the answer I would give wasn’t an option, or the configuration of answers, from more lefty to more righty (supposedly) didn’t seem too accurate to me. In the end, it said I was an “economic liberal” which would make me a solid Democrat with Green tendencies.


        1. Steve — yes, they are. This is one point that seems to elude contemporary talk on economic policy. Economic conservatives wish to conserve the national economies. Economic liberals wish to ‘liberate’ it from silly national regulatory fetters and watch it become more ‘fair’, as it stops coddling the lazy deadweight leeches and starts benefiting only the hard-working smart people.

          Second, this ‘test’ is far too shallow and steeped in American-cable-news. Hence the entrenched bias that Prof. Zero noticed. Just looking at the questions and options is making me itch for a red marker. Plus, I can tweak this test very easily and get it to identify me as a complete conservative. That easy an algorithm is a little boring.


  2. I haven’t taken the quiz yet, but just looking at the terminology on the chart, I’m guessing it was written by a Libertarian. (Not that it matters, it’s just funny the way it’s worded)


  3. This one was very weird, like Professor Zero pointed out, the questions were worded in a way that was very difficult for me to answer. The advertisements for the Thomas Paine fund and Christian organizations that I got at the end was a tad disconcerting too.
    In any case, I got about two squares lower and more to the right than yours.


    1. They match links to your results, I think. I was told no party exactly matches my political ideologies, but some moderate Green Party members and some staunch Democratic Socialiasts would be a reasonable mix for me. And they linked to these parties, plus the Democratic Freedom caucus, and Freedom and Equality.


            1. “The average income tax rate is 52%, and even higher for the wealthy. Private enterprise is illegal”

              -Sounds like starvation is just around the corner. Also, where do the wealthy come from if there is no private enterprise? 🙂


  4. I got social liberal on the test you linked to Clarissa, a few grids right and down from you. On the Political Compass that Steve and David pointed out, I as usual got near the bottom – left libertarian (-7.5, -7.74 for economic left and social libertarian).


  5. “You want government out of people’s personal lives, but you appear to desire some continued government control over people’s economic activities. There is no political party that represents your views. The Green Party does run many candidates with similar views, but the overall Green Party platform is much more socialistic than you are. You would need a mix of Democratic, Green, and Libertarian politicians in office to get the balance of freedom and social justice you desire.”

    I am surprised by the results. My dot was on the triple intersection of “centrist”, “liberal” and “libertarian”. I think that is a fairly accurate description of my political views. However, considering how disgusted I am by most national Democrat and Republican politicians, I would be very skeptical about “Democratic…politicians in office”.


    1. I got the same description. I guess we are being told about the Democrats in office because it’s either them or the Republicans. I passionately want the Dems out of the office because they have disgraced themselves over and over again. But I don’t want them out so that the Republicans or Tea Partiers can come in.


    1. Yes, it was similar but a lot more intelligent. 🙂 This is a dumbed down version. 🙂

      I hope the evolution of the political quiz does not reflect the general evolution of this blog. 🙂


        1. I really don’t think that is what she has in mind 🙂

          I went to a stern Church school, and while still at school (even my first year of college, I think) I had some fairly authoritarian ideas, but mostly about personal conduct and social propriety. The only reason I am that close to the Centrist spectrum is because I still have some vestiges of it left in me. Fourteen years in a disciplinarian system will have *some* lasting effects!


  6. It’s basically a Nolan Chart, so the questions and responses are loaded so that any other-than-libertarian (in the American sense) answer has the same tone as “have you stopped beating your spouse yet?” Also, it won’t process a form with items left blank, and for almost every question, I have a well-thought-out view that happens not to be similar to any of the options on the list. I panned a significantly less loaded questionnaire (representing a “left libertarian” viewpoint) here. I don’t even know where to start on this Quiz2D thing. People like me aren’t even on their radar screen.


    1. Maybe you should create a political quiz of your own. You are obviously very knowledgeable. I’d like to take a political quiz that doesn’t tell me I’m the Dalai Lama and that I want the Democrats in office. 🙂


            1. I just did it and the questions are fun, but where are the results? For now, I just now that my results are exactly the same as those of somebody called ‘apathy.” 🙂 I’m not sure how I feel about that. 🙂


              1. “apathy” is a profile I created with the neutral/no opinion response to all 27 items. If you are who I think you are (which I will neither confirm nor deny due to my promise of anonymity :-)), you are more than 20 arbitrary units of separation from apathy; or far from apathetic. The maximum possible separation from apathy is 108, but that’s based on a “sum of squares,” so 20+ is actually fairly opinionated.


    2. Ah, closer inspection reveals this “more precise” version of the Nolan Chart to be a project of Carl S. Milsted; a frequent commenter on David Brin’s blog. I like Milsted, who advocates what I affectionately call (to paraphrase Gorbachev) “libertarianism with a friendly face” (he calls it “holistic politics”).


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