Why Is It. . .

. . . that people who keep complaining about “greedy” Jews are always so eager to leach off of said “greedy” Jews?

A Jew is an imaginary space onto which people project their own worst qualities. They try to distance themselves from these bad qualities by loudly condemning the Jews for supposedly having these characteristics.

As I always say, if Jews didn’t exist, somebody would have invented them.

9 thoughts on “Why Is It. . .

    1. Don’t forget to add to the blame list of others, “white people”, “white men”, “euro-trash”, “rich people” government, politicians, teachers, administrators, women, men, etc., and the ever-present THEM!

      People like to point fingers and blame and they are always seeking scapegoats. Projection and blame may be a good topic on its own.


  1. “A Jew is an imaginary space onto which people project their own worst qualities”

    Why is it that people in the first world, including immigrants, keep saying ‘people’ when they really mean ‘only those people part-taking of my specific culture, and excluding those whose cultures are so different they would have no idea what I meant by my generalisation?’

    Just saying ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Actually, this particular “people” referred to a relative of mine whose mother’s feeling I tried to spare by disguising his identity in this way. But now these good intentions are shot to hell. ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Because the blame pattern has to be manipulated. People quite obviously can’t blame themselves or take any form of moral responsibility, or (apart from the shortest of outbursts) blame the actual bankers who cause the problems.
    People need scapegoats, and Anti-Semitism is as old and (still) widely used.

    Same goes for racism, homophobia etc. I guess.


  3. If Jews didn’t exist, the world would single out some other ethic group to blame everything on…like the Russians…or the English. I, for one, respect and bless the Jews whenever I can One of my deepest fears is that the U.S. will turn its back on the Jews in their darkest hour. Ever since I learned that God said, “I will bless them that bless thee…and curse them that curse thee…” to Abraham referring to his descendants, I have felt obligated to maintain loyalty to their race. I certainly wouldn’t knowingly bring harm to, or even badmouth a Jew. Having said these things, There is no denying that the Jews are different. Practicing Jews are the first to admit they really are different from any other race. But their really not a race. Some would argue they are not even a religion at all. While they have a national identity, they are more distinct as a culture. And I believe the Western free nations must stand behind Israel come what may…


    1. There are many Jews who are practicing Christians, like my family. Being Jewish is an ethnic origin, like Irish or Spanish, etc.

      “One of my deepest fears is that the U.S. will turn its back on the Jews in their darkest hour”

      -let’s hope it doesn’t happen!!


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