
You know what’s a real abomination? Olive oil in plastic bottles. 

And manufacturers know that they are doing something very wrong, so they mask the plastic bottle as much as they can. I usually have to palpate up to 15 bottles until I find a glass one.

Of course, we have a specialty olive oil store in town that sells real olive oil in real glass bottles made out of darkened glass, but I can only afford to go there every 3 months.

Another Reason to Like Hillary

And in the warm and fuzzy news of the weekend:

At the Fourth of July parade Hillary Clinton marched in Saturday in Gorham, New Hampshire, reporters following the candidate were kept — and at moments, dragged — behind an actual moving rope line.

It’s very pleasing to hear that idiot journalists – the most degraded profession in this country that is a dumping ground for lazy idiots – have been shown their place.

An Uncandid Candidate

An article in The Atlantic chides Hillary for being “inaccessible, unforthcoming, uncandid, and highly entitled.” The author of the article is obviously unequipped intellectually to appreciate politics as anything other than cheap tabloid melodrama.

As Zygmunt Bauman says, we live in an age where the private has colonized the public to such an extent that we don’t really have a public space any longer. This is why the linked journalist is so pathetically eager for candidates like Jeb Bush who keeps treating us to the distasteful melodrama of his boring relationship with his father and brother.

Hillary Clinton is trying to turn the conversation towards actual political issues and away from Daddy drama, puppies, tuna salad sandwiches, mugs of beer, and other insanely irrelevant stuff. And it’s sorely needed in a culture where people are so incapable of distinguishing between a TV personality and a politician that Donald Trump is not only running but actually doing quite well at the polls.

We should all be eternally grateful that there is at least a single candidate who isn’t treating us to the tasteless candid camera shows to which politics has been reduced.

College Major Slogans

Here are some hilarious slogans for college majors:

Chemistry: Where alcohol IS a solution.

Biochemistry: Spend 4 years aspiring to discover the cure for cancer, and the rest of your life manufacturing shampoo.

Archaeology: If you don’t know what it is, it’s probably ceremonial.

Information Technology: Let me google that for you.

Linguistics: Studied 17 languages, am fluent in none of them.

Criminal Justice: We’re here because of Law & Order reruns.

Photography: It’s worth a shot.

Astrophysics: “Eh, I’m within an order of magnitude.”

Creative Writing: Because job security is for pussies.

Latin: Because useful is overrated.

Physics: “Everything you learned last week is wrong.”

Nursing: Learning to save other’s lives while struggling not to take your own.

Accounting: Selling your soul for money.

Finance: “Accounting was too hard.”

Journalism: Learn how to construct an argument that no one will pay to listen to.

Art History: And you thought MAKING art was pointless!

Music Performance: If you don’t hate yourself, you’re doing it wrong.

There’s more at the link!