Entitled Men

On Dr. Phil I saw this sixtyish, paunchy, balding, mumbly, piss – poor fellow with a record and a history of being a victim of scams who’s absolutely convinced that a beautiful, busty, 20 – year-old multimillionaire is passionately in love with him.

You’ll say Dr Phil chooses pathological people for the show on purpose but I met crowds of such guys in my life. They exist, and they are extremely numerous. This is the male quality I despise and detest: a profound conviction that no matter how ugly, insignificant, unsuccessful and pathetic he is, every beautiful, brilliant and successful woman on the planet will perceive his interest in her as the greatest gift from God. They go through life, accumulating rejections, lonely and unwanted, yet this conviction is unbroken.

Yes, not all men. But so many. So scarily many. And the more patriarchal their country of origin, the more likely they are to be this way. Western European men under the age of 50 are rarely this way. Latin American men – very often, with few exceptions that I’ve seen. Eastern European – very often. Middle Eastern – pretty much always. Of course, educated, well-read, naturally brainy men from any culture manage to avoid this mindset but they are not in the majority on this planet.

This sense of entitlement does not stem from men’s high self-esteem. When I see a piece of sausage I crave (which is, of course, every piece of sausage in the world), it does not occur to me to wonder if the sausage wants to be eaten by me or if it has a better candidate in mind. The possibility that the sausage can want to have any input on its fate is ludicrous because I don’t perceive the sausage as a sentient being. Even the most insecure person on the planet doesn’t wonder about sausage ‘ s feelings and expectations.

That’s how it is with these men. The idea that women are sentient beings with desires and preferences never visits them. And rejections don’t hurt. If an iPad or a GPS refuses to function properly, I can feel angry but not rejected, humiliated or hurt (unless I have very specific psychological problems that are not under discussion here.)

Obviously, these men have zero chance of establishing satisfying connections with women. They end up having to buy, force, and bully women into being around them.  They have to sublimate their need for emotional connections into homosocial pursuits, aggression, violence, etc.

Hillary’s Disapproval Ratings

Of course, Hillary’s disapproval ratings have soared. She made a horrible impression during that CNN interview and she can’t manage to look even remotely sincere to save her life.

Voters mostly don’t understand or care to understand what politicians are saying. They react to a visual and not to an audio. Trump looks sincere. Hillary looks fake. I understand she can’t summon charisma out of nowhere but she’s got to be working with psychologists who can teach her how not to annoy people.

The good news is that Jeb comes off as flabby, dithering, weak, and also insincere. At least, when his brother talked, you could see that he actually really believed the idiocies he was spouting. Jeb, on the other hand, doesn’t sound like he believes what he’s saying.

Morning People

Visiting breakfast places at 6 am is a very funny experience. The staff treats one with the care and attention reserved for the terminally ill and apologizes profusely for everything.

It must be extremely hard to work with people early in the morning. That’s the time when you see everybody’s worst side. I once woke N up at 4:45 am for an early flight and discovered the side of him I never want to see again.


After the debacle of the sad movie about a gay guy who killed himself (sorry, I suck at titles), N has been refusing to go to the movies.

To lure him into a theater, I chose what I thought would be the safest, completely non-traumatic genre of romcom. I never watch this kind of movie, so I thought it would be fun to explore something that’s new to me and that wouldn’t make N feel sad.

We made plans to go to Trainwreck which sounded like an innocuous little flick. Who could have known that it would prove so deeply controversial that a mass murderer would choose it as a site of a killing spree in a town where I almost went to work instead of my current place?

And now N doesn’t sound that interested in going.