
Fitbit only recognizes as movement the kind when one’s arms swing around freely. When one carries a baby or pushes a pram, that isn’t movement. So you can imagine how it feels to be rocking a screaming teething baby for an hour and to get a message from Fitbit in the midst of the process saying “Time to move! Get up and exercise!”

At the same time, Klara loves it when I say the word Fitbit, so that’s great.

More Action

A little harder but still important. I’m doing it. Are you?

Today’s action on the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA/Obamacare), Medicare privatization, and defunding Planned Parenthood:
Paul Ryan has blocked his office phones and fax numbers, and is turning away people who show up to deliver petitions, so time to change tactics. Please mail post cards to his home address saying NO to defunding Planned Parenthood, NO to repealing the ACA, and NO to privatizing Medicare!
Please COPY AND PASTE this info. Let’s see what 67 million cards in the driveway looks like.
Real Americans Resist.
Copy and paste this to pass it on. This guy is a public servant. Denying access is reprehensible.

Get to Work

A suggestion from FB.

An EASY action item for today:
If you want to support Senator Warren’s request to audit President Trump’s finances for conflicts of interest, the woman who answered the phone at the Comptroller General of the Government Accountability Office said the most effective way to be sure my support counted was to email two administrators, Katherine Siggerud and Timothy Minnelli.

You can send ONE email addressed to:,,

Subject line: Re: Audit for President Trump’s financial concerns

Dear Ms. Siggerud and Mr. Minnelli,
I’m writing in support of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s request for an audit of President Trump’s finances, to prohibit conflicts of interest that would prevent him from carrying out the responsibilities of the office without corrupt influence.