Protesting Through Gluttony

Some people are protesting Trump by stuffing their faces with ultra-luxurious meals. They have managed to convince themselves that the ultra-rich Trump who has spent his life eating precisely this kind of food will be mortally wounded by their culinary indulgence:

Trump, since long before he was even a presidential candidate, has been attempting to hijack our idea of taste. He wants us to think that overpriced steaks, private jets, and golden toilets are the key to happiness. He wants us to love things for their price, not their value. I think it’s pretty clear that he wants all of this because he wants us to envy him, to dream of living his luxurious life.

I hope it’s clear that I detest this kind of self-involved, obnoxious pricks. Want to eat, so eat. Don’t try to make your indulgence into some sort of an act of political courage. 

11 thoughts on “Protesting Through Gluttony

  1. that’s particularly funny because he has expressed his love for fast food which he has been widely mocked for.

    If anything its him not lecturing people on saying fast food is bad that probably riles up more of his supporters than anything. It is hard for people to get out of their bubble when they are in it. He ironically is perceived as being LESS out of touch than the majority of liberal / media elite. The fact these writers don’t get that does not portend well for defeating him in 4 years.

    Will definitely give you credit that you see through this echo bubble bullshit, but for your sake unfortunately you are in the minority of the liberal side


    1. “If anything its him not lecturing people on saying fast food is bad that probably riles up more of his supporters than anything.”

      Aah,that’s the major reason for the rise of Trump. We were all living in our ‘echo bubble’ so we just couldn’t tell. Thanks. By the way, it’s either ‘echo chamber’ or ‘bubble’. You write like a 3rd grader.

      So, ‘more than anything’, the rise of Trump can be attributed to him not lecturing people on the shittiness of fast food. Got it. Wow, Trump supporters are even stupider than what we thought they were.

      Thanks for this fascinating political analysis. Don’t ever leave this blog. Specimens like you are so hard to find in real life. I definitely need to connect with people outside my echo bubble.

      At least Dreidel’s smart enough to shut the fuck up about Trump and what he’s doing.


    2. Matt: Haha thinking of your dinner as a political protest is stupid. Haha those libruls!

      Also Matt: By the way, Trump got elected because Michelle Obama said eat more vegetables. I got so mad I started eating Big Macs and elected Trump! I’m a mature human being.


      1. you really lack a few brain cells…

        test scores all in 99%, multiple national awards.. yeah good job stringer boy 🙂


        1. On the internet everyone is a mensa genius.

          All I can divine from your writing is that you’re a perennially confused child.


        2. Just sit back and admire this lovingly crafted sentence by a multiple national award winner.

          “If anything its him not lecturing people on saying fast food is bad that probably riles up more of his supporters than anything.”

          I blame your English teachers, but I sympathize with them. Look at what they had to work with.


    3. “that’s particularly funny because he has expressed his love for fast food which he has been widely mocked for.”

      • It’s a lie. He poses with those nasty tacos for photo ops and then throws them into garbage and sanitizes his hands. Rich people don’t eat that junk and ridicule the losers who do. Matt, how can you be so naive? Have you never met any rich people?


      1. It’s a lie. He poses with those nasty tacos for photo ops and then throws them into garbage and sanitizes his hands. Rich people don’t eat that junk and ridicule the losers who do. Matt, how can you be so naive? Have you never met any rich people?

        Oh my. He must really be in terrible condition if he eats like a rich person and has the physique he does. Are we going to find out he has a ginormous fake belly and costume jowls and that we’re all in worst episode of Undercover Boss ever? (To clarify, rich people are thinner due to their diet and general lack of stress.)


  2. It’s all consumption as activism. Next week: I showed Trump! I played Angry Birds for three straight hours! And I had falafel!
    He’ll be out of the White House in not time!


  3. Oh god, I can’t stop now.

    “Will definitely give you credit that you see through this echo bubble bullshit, but for your sake unfortunately you are in the minority of the liberal side”

    Matt, anyone with functioning eyes can see through a bubble. That’s…not a good metaphor. What does ‘but for your sake unfortunately…’ mean?

    Goddamnit matt, this is clarissa’s blog, not a ‘Write like Tom Friedman’ contest. You’ve been submitting entries for years now. Stop!

    Next up: ‘Clarissa, I also give you credit for being able to hear the sounds in the liberal echo chamber.’


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