6 thoughts on “Unusual

  1. Clarissa – I am so sorry for what is happening to your homeland. I’ve been away from my computer for commenting this week but following the news and thinking about you. I wish there was something more I could say but everything feels like platitudes. It must be devastating.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! The support really matters. Today, I’ve had to have two conversations with close friends right here where I live about how it’s all a media fake and not a real war. Having to answer the endless “But are you sure there are really bombings? Are you sure ? Why are you so sure? How can you know for sure?” is taking everything I’ve got.

      So it means everything when people are supportive and don’t make me feel like I have to justify myself.


  2. I am so sorry. I think about you multiple times a day. The news is so awful. And like you I believe in practicing Stoicism and not performing stress/anxiety/hysteria, so solidarity on that issue as well. It’s really terrible that people are arguing with you about the reality of this war.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey Clarissa, I was at a anti-war rally today in Zurich and there were 40’000 people, which is quite a lot, the city is not that large. So many Ukrainian flags. Everyone is very worried and sad. What a horrible week this was.

    I wanted to ask you what your best hope is for what happens next? Looks like Putin is not going to be overthrown, like many are hoping here…
    From what you know about Russia, Ukraine and the West, how do you think is this all going to end?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is great to hear, zinemin. Thank you for the support!

      I’m hoping for a Marshall Plan for Ukraine after the war. And for the world, I hope that we’ll see in this war the power and the beauty of the nation-state and the horror of what happens once it’s ditched. I hope the new kind of leadership emerges in the world. I hope that resilience and courage will become fashionable again.


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