Summer Is Coming

It’s that rare and fleeting time of year when we can open every window, fill the house with fresh air, and hear the brook babbling outside.

In a couple of weeks, we’ll have to go into a voluntary lockdown that will last until October. The only air fit to breathe will be air-conditioned. The brook will dry out, the lawn will wither, and the birds will shut up.

3 thoughts on “Summer Is Coming

  1. Sounds like Israeli summer. Will the air be too hot in your area? Because in Israel the problem lies in the combination of heat and humidity. My mother hates the latter.

    On another matter, this seems like a poem you’ll like:

    Олександр Положинський. Терплю удари

    Комусь війна триває тільки рік
    Для когось рік цей виявився вдалим
    А я — немолодий вже чоловік —
    Терплю удари


    1. Yes, it’s the humidity more than the temperature. God, I hate it.

      Great poem but thank you kindly for “. немолодий” on the eve of my birthday. 🙂


  2. Has been cool and humid here– nice, but the clothes will not dry on the line.

    Dry air turns my airways into a crumbling bleeding horror. Can’t stand it. I think it’s why I’m so attached to living near the coast.


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