They Are Getting Fed Up

OK, so get a load of this. Somebody is talking about how the Left has become a prison where zero dissent is tolerated:

Well, duh, one wants to say. Everybody knows all this. But guess who posted this today. It was Brianna Wu, a far FAR Left agitator.

The Lefties are human! They hate it all, too. And they hate the hideous flag, like any normal person does. That’s so heart-warming.

We can cancel the national divorce, my friends. If even Brianna Wu says the Left has become a panopticon police state, then most of them are getting fed up with all this.

The Power of Celebrity

JK Rowling is single-handedly destroying Scotland’s new anti-speech law, and it’s beautiful.

Do we have any artists in the US who would – or, rather, will – do this when this comes to us? We’ve got Chris Rufo but are there any celebrities? I can’t think of anybody who wouldn’t immediately weasel out but maybe there is somebody I’m forgetting.

Consistent Policy

This has been a consistent policy of the Biden administration, and I’ve done God knows how many facepalms when hearing how Biden is pro-Ukraine.

Manipulated on Both Sides

Before the left-leaning readers start feeling superior to the poor, facile right-wingers from the previous post, I need to remind them that their side believes that women can have penises and that the SATs were racistically manipulated to make black students fail them. Even if you personally don’t believe it, your side does. (And if you do personally believe it and still read my blog, you are an exceptional person with an extraordinary tolerance for differences of opinion.)

So sit this one out, my dudes. Your side manipulates right-wingers well but it manipulates you much better.

The Havana Syndrome

Back in 2014, the Obama administration silenced the reports on the damage inflicted on American embassy workers in Cuba because these reports went against the Cuban policy of the administration. Obama considered the pivot on Cuba to be his signature foreign policy accomplishment, and the wonderfulness of Cuba was promoted widely in subservient media.

The Obama policy on Cuba proved to be a gigantic fail but Obama was never accused of playing nice with dictatorial regimes because the media love Obama. Similarly, his policy of ingratiating himself with Russia and disarming Ukraine was never condemned or publicly blamed for the current war. Nobody ever hears “Obama” and “Ukraine war” in the same sentence, even though the war started with Obama and was aggressively facilitated by Obama and his actions not only in Eastern Europe but also towards Iran.

Because my memory doesn’t get erased every night, I remember all this very well. Sadly, most people’s memories do get erased.

Today, the dumber among right-wingers are letting themselves get baited into taking this legacy of terrible mistakes away from Obama and putting it on the shoulders of the Right. The next step is probably arguing that Hillary Clinton made no mistakes in Benghazi and no Americans died there.

One of the worst, most shocking things done by the Obama administration – and look who’s defending it. Obama’s best friend, the idiot, easily manipulated Right. Instead of finally talking about what Obama did wrong, we are defending him.

You really got to be. It’s Great Lent for the Orthodox, so I won’t finish the sentence. But you know what I mean.

Unless your brain gets erased overnight, in which case forget it.

The Anti-Haidt Position

I take back what I said about Haidt’s book. I’m very sheltered, so I thought there was a broad consensus that portable screens are terrible for children. But apparently there are many people who still pretend they aren’t.

One truly despairs sometimes. That adult people would openly argue that screens promote “social connections” and that “climate and inequality” drive depression rates is extremely disappointing.

Good luck convincing these folks to put down their devices at least to spare their own children.