Illinois, As Always

Yes, welcome to Illinois. Knowing a bit of what goes on in Springfield, I have a nagging suspicion that somebody received a juicy state kickback to come up with this new and sensitive wording or rewrite the papers to include it.

19 thoughts on “Illinois, As Always

  1. “This tweet exaggerates the situation”

    Not falling for the line about “small group of people in a particular situation”… that’s how it always goes.

    From being nice to a small group of mentally ill adults to an entire industry devoted to sexually mutilating young adults (and adolescents).

    From protesting a specific case of ‘police brutality’ to millions of dollars of damage to homes and businesses and many thousands of dead black people.

    Stop it. Now. Don’t’ ‘t make excuses for these people.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Exactly. I already bought into the line of “gay people just want to marry and live like everybody else”, and now I’m mandated to write a document explaining how my department’s curriculum is homophobic and transphobic. When I say it’s not, I get accused of being defensive, homophobic and transphobic because the very fact of denying it proves that I’m all those things.

      And it started so well, with people simply wanting the same rights as everybody.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Are you both saying that human nature is so basically hopeless that we cannot reach that middle ground, where for example, gay people can marry and raise children like straight people without people being forced to write confessions about their homophobia and transphobia at part of their employment?

        I’m not OK with going back to the time before gay marriage. I hope we can work through these problems as a society without gay people losing these specific rights.


        1. I don’t want anybody to lose their rights. I’ve supported gay marriage since I first discovered the existence of gay people at age 14. I’m completely supportive. I’m completely against any discrimination or nastiness towards gay or bisexual or trans people. Completely opposed to anybody bashing or persecuting people for their sexual orientation in any way. I grew up in the USSR where gay men were jailed. (Lesbians weren’t, and could live quite openly but not, of course, marrying legally, with their partners.) I always have and always will believe that it’s an atrocity.

          But it should go both ways. Straight people leave gay people in peace to live their lives and gay people leave us in peace without trying to make us do these ridiculous things. And of course, the overwhelming majority of gay people are as upset about this garbage as I am. It’s not gay people that anger me in the least.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. People weren’t allowed to visit their dying loved ones in the hospital during covid but last year during the peak of the monkey pox outbreak the city of san francisco tried to make an appeal to cancel the gay pride festival (and the attendant fucking and sucking) and withdrew because the Gays turned it into a civil rights issue. The right to superspread!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Don’t I know it. I didn’t get to see my father conscious while he was dying because of COVID policies. It will never stop hurting. But obviously as a society we don’t value this nearly as high as we value people’s right to have tons of casual sex.

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              1. I had to get vaccinated in the end. Against my will. My body, my choice, right? And even then they harassed me with a stupid waiting period and I didn’t get there in time.

                There’s no forgiveness for all this.

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              2. I’m so sorry you carry that pain. It is truly awful you experienced such callousness. I know it well. My FIL died in January 2022 and I wasn’t allowed to see him until the end bc I was unvaxxed. He was more of a father to me than my own father. It really never will stop hurting.

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              3. Such suffering was visited upon us, and for what? I’d had COVID. I had natural immunity. There was no reason behind it.


          2. I’m not arguing at all that you’re against gay rights. I agree with everything you said in the reply above.

            I was reacting to this:

            “Exactly. I already bought into the line of “gay people just want to marry and live like everybody else”, and now I’m mandated to write a document explaining how my department’s curriculum is homophobic and transphobic.”

            If you could go back to the past knowing what you know now, would you have supported gay marriage given the trans issues and the negative consequences to you personally referenced above?

            Imagine it’s a package deal. You get gay marriage and normal treatment of gay people together with dysfunctional stuff you then have to resolve as a society and hopefully roll back, or you keep stigmatizing gay people and middle-class suburban children remain just as unlikely to try to change genders as they have been up until then?

            I suppose this is one of the main differences between conservatives and liberals, the way you answer this question.


            1. This morning I read a long account by a man who was castrated at the age of 28 and is absolutely horrified to realize what this means to him.

              If I could imagine these horrors, say, 20 years ago, I’d ran away from these rights faster than the wind. And this man was an adult when he had his penis chopped off. When we have kids on the line, obviously any normal person would choose the children’s bodily integrity over anybody’s right to legally marry. Why do you even have to ask such a strange question? “Would you choose a 14-year-old girl having her breasts cut off or two dudes living together without a wedding?” Hmm, let me see. Would you choose differently that you even have to ask?


  2. Personally I subscribe to a much simpler method of reason that would stop nonsense like this. (Thou shalt not compromise with the wicked.) No compromise, no negotiation, no giving even a bloody inch. Stop them cold, refuse their pleas and whining, and you keep nonsense like this from occurring. They will insult you, they will spit at you, they will call you a racist or a Nazi. Who gives a damn. If our so called leaders had a backbone and had told those wicked people no at the very start. A lot of our current societal messes would not currently exist.

    Besides which, why exactly do we even care what they think? I mean seriously unless they can provide force of law or force of arms behind their insults why does it even matter? Today’s racist is simply someone who is loyal to or concerned about their own people. Tomorrow’s racist is someone who was not willing to give up his daughters to be the play-toys of foreigners. Today’s Nazi is simply someone who thinks maybe sealing the borders until we can get things under control is a good idea. Tomorrow’s Nazi is someone who didn’t bow down fast enough for the various privileged groups.

    Seriously it is better to just not compromise with them in the first place. They will consume themselves in due course. All we have to do is hold the line. Not even retake parts of society that have been lost. Just hold the line and they will eventually wipe themselves out. – W

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