4 thoughts on “Misunderstanding

  1. “I like mushroom pasta …”

    Oh, what kind of mushrooms would that be, wink wink, nudge nudge.

    “… FROM ITALY.”

    Yeah, totally with you, being filed under “things I never liked and do not miss” …

    Current perspective: why was everything seemingly about addictions, drugs, addictions to drugs, and the ever-present need to talk about them?

    We’ve been in a city where you can actually drop into a pharmacy and pick out your own drugs without a doctor’s writ, except for a list of controlled substances, and this doesn’t come up.

    Oh, but are you going to Amsterdam next?

    GO ON, you know what happens next. 🙂


    1. It corrupts the language for everybody. I’ve never had any interest, but I picked up a package of strawberry plants this week, with a tagline “grow your own edibles”. We all raised an eyebrow.

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