Not Noticing

Campus protesters are coming out to protest this horror in 3…2…1… Yes, I know, they will very pointedly not notice.

29 thoughts on “Not Noticing

  1. Liked by 1 person

    1. What does the translation change when the girls are beaten, bleeding and tied up? The bastards could be reciting itsy-bitsy spider but that reality will not change.

      Let’s not become like the libs who think that words mean more than the evidence of our eyes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My point is that hamas has done enough evil for their crimes to stand on their own. Embellishing them by willful lies undermines that case. Is it not enough that these women are tied and held hostage? Why add a sexual element to it? Why sexualize your own women?

        Making up “these are the girls who can get pregnant” out of nowhere is disgusting.


  2. the people complaining about the translation do not seem to have posted their version of the translation. Others have said it is “sex slave” how is that better? I agree it doesn’t matter. These girls are tied up, beaten, and bloodied. Certainly that is bad enough. Are we to think they weren’t also raped? When in history would men like these NOT have raped them?



    1. The girl with blood on her legs is barely moving. It’s tragically very clear what caused the bleeding. The heart breaks, I can’t look at this.

      These are absolute savages, war criminals, horrible people.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. These are absolute savages, war criminals, horrible people.”

        No. I think these people are on the “default position” of humans: they are ruled by emotion, not by feelings, which, by definition, must be learned through a long and laborious process which is restarted and renewed with every child, and with every generation.

        “Savages” doesn’t cut it, nor does “horrible people”. Savagery runs through the heart of every human being, and each of us can be “horrible” and we know it. That is why the process of childraising and education is an ongoing enterprise and is never done, it must be pursued daily, until the end, and then started again, and again, and again. It never stops, as you well know.

        Most Palestinians are raised in a culture of hatred of Jews and contempt for all non-muslims (Kuffar is the designation they have for us) and do not see Jews as humans. Broadly, as a society, they have not developed the same feelings as you and I in the West have towards animals as pets, for example. The question is whether enough people in their society will develop a culture which sees the Other and recognises him as just as worthy and human as oneself. In this respect, and purely in historical terms, I am very pessimistic.


      2. “These are absolute savages, war criminals, horrible people.”

        Quite true, I agree.

        But how are you able to find such clear concise words when describing these Hamas militants but suddenly become verbose, imprecise, and non-committal when describing the exact same barbarity by Israeli soldiers and/settlers?

        That’s what really boggles the mind.

        Isn’t barbarity terrible no matter who does it? Or is empathy just impossible unless we take sides?


          1. Oh, so it’s better because Israel just send snipers to shoot at babies’ heads and bomb hospitals, universities and schools?

            Exactly my point.


              1. Absolute horror. My heart bleeds for the poor victims.

                Can I ask you to do me a kindness and not bring any images of bombings for a while? I’m processing the videos of the devastation in Kharkiv over the past two weeks, and I’m very depleted at this point.


              1. I don’t understand why I can’t post about a horrific crime and not have people trying to both-sides it to death. Especially since the biggest Israeli atrocity anybody referenced here on the blog was the video of some quietly smoking dudes.


              2. The part that gets me is that these people are so gullible they fall for every completely anecdotal unsupported written account of IDF horrors (what? No video? Not even on your home turf?), but then refuse to give credence to the evidence of reams of video showing brutalized Israeli women, which line up perfectly with Hamas’ combatants’ *own accounts* of their own atrocities. Or they believe that and “it’s OK because ISR are the baddies” and at the same time “anything ISR does is automatically bad because they’re just bad, end of story”.

                It’s so weird. I think these people must be the same ones who do the handmaid-dress-up-rape-fantasy-LARP thing in public. Maybe it’s because they’re stuck with weenie feminist men and have a really unhealthy relationship with their shadow…

                Liked by 2 people

              3. The handmaid LARPers are genuinely weird. Also, remember the pussy hat ladies? One doesn’t need to be Freud to see the dysfunction behind it.


        1. @Anonymous

          Your accusation is baseless and preposterous. I would say shameful, but you know no shame.

          Also, ask yourself why this video was not only made but circulated. Those women hostages were subjected not just to rape, violence and abuse, they were also robbed of their dignity.

          Can’t you just for a few seconds try to put yourself in their shoes instead of immediately thinking, “Oh yeah, but the Israelis, but this, but that, but but but but…” There are five women, with bloodied faces and looks of terror, one of whom is sitting with her legs splayed covered in blood, surrounded by a large number of armed men: what else do you need to see for you to say that this is wrong and UNJUSTIFIABLE on any grounds, no matter what has been done by others, ever, to whoever it is that you consider a victim? What?

          Liked by 2 people

      1. Who cares about transcriptions when you can see what’s happening with your own eyes?

        People are being really bizarre about this, I have to say. If Netanyahu were holding a bloodied woman in that video, would you be as stuck on transcription as you are here? Honestly, this is weird.


  3. They are soldiers. Women, yes, but soldiers.

    If you can show me where you’ve condemned Israel killing non-soldiers in Palestine, I’ll know that your outrage is genuine.

    So far, it looks as fake as the subtitles.


    1. Still waiting. Take your time. Adults should be responsible for their words. You said “exact same.” It’s up to you to find evidence of what you are saying.


      1. As for “these are soldiers, so it’s OK to rape them”, it’s the weirdest argument ever. If I saw a video of Ukrainian soldiers treating Russian POWs this way, I’d be horrified. It doesn’t happen, of course. Ukrainians aren’t savages. Russian POWs are fed and given medical care. I’ve seen miles of footage of these POWs – all men, by the way and many complicit in horrific crimes against civilians – and nobody is raping, beating or degrading them this way.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It is always refreshing to read postwar POW accounts from germans who were held in the US during WWII. They talk about how good the food was, how nice people were to them, and how stunned they were by how well they were treated. I take it with a grain of salt, in case it is part of some propaganda effort or other, but a lot of them come from well after the war was over, and I really don’t think they had any reason to fabricate it at that point.

          How a country treats enemy POWs says an awful lot about their civilization.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Exactly. People don’t know enough of history, so they assume all armies cut up their POWs into ribbons. But civilization evolved, and those who have evolved proceed differently.

            Overall, a comparison of what the Hamas savages did on 10/7 and since with the actions of the IDF makes no sense. When civilians die in military operations, that’s tragic. But when civilians are specifically targeted for torture, rape and murder, that’s a very different situation.

            To give an example, when a bomb falls on the Russian city of Belgorod and kills a child that’s tragic but that can’t be compared to when Russian soldiers capture a Ukrainian child and rape her for 6 hours. It’s not the same. There are different ways and different reasons to wage war. Some are less justified than others.

            And I can’t believe it’s necessary to explain that to adult people.

            Liked by 2 people

  4. What Putin is doing in Ukraine and what Netanyahu is doing in Palestine are atrocious — just so they can avoid jail. It’s sickening. Sorry about Kharkiv. I can’t imagine what the residents are going through.

    Here is my final proof of Israel”s generational atrocities. The proof you asked for. All I ask is that you be empathetic for those victims too, who have had to endure for over seven decades.

    It’s not a bombing, but not less horrifying. It’s a confession.


    1. This analogy is beyond dishonest. Ukraine never attacked Russia. Never, not in any way. Zero Russians were raped, tortured, murdered, or taken hostages by Ukrainians to provoke the invasion.

      Shame on you for making such a dishonest, vile analogy. Shame on you for sneaking in this disgusting Russian propaganda when I asked you to be human for a little bit. Shame, shame on you. Whatever you think about yourself, you need to know: you are not a good person. I asked you to leave but you can’t even honor a simple request. You keep coming and spreading these atrocious lies.


  5. Russian propaganda? Hardly. I’m against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It was not justified. It’s horrible, it’s atrocious. I did say so, didn’t I?

    My focus was on Netanyahu’s vile actions in Gaza, and Israel’s generational atrocities in Palestine as the link showed. Putin and Netanyahu deserve a place in prison.

    I have nothing but empathy for the people of Ukraine. It’s a shame that the US is not supporting them enough to win. Also a shame that Biden is enabling a genocide in Gaza. Same weakness.


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